Imagine #14/part 2/ (Jesus Adams-Foster)

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"I'm terrified."

The words that came from her mouth made him stop moving. His eyebrows furrowed and he slowly turned around. Y/N stood in her place staring at him silently thanking every god past and present that he didn't leave. The silence that filled the almost empty street wasn't awkward but it was full of thick tension. Jesus walk to her, slow and slightly unsure of his movements. When he got to her personal space he stopped. "Why are you so terrified to admit you have feelings for me?" Jesus asked in a small tone as if he were in a classroom trying not to get caught talking by the teacher though his mind was spinning, the way he seen it when you had spoke those two word, in some way he had broke you in a small way and he wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing.

"I've never felt something this strong expect for when I liked Austin." Y/N explained her tone and words just as soft as his while she tried to find the right words for what she meant. It didn't take Jesus more than a second to know who she was talking about, Austin was the boy that Y/N had liked from the age of six to the age of fourteen. Y/N had chased after Austin for years and years and he had never given her a second thought, in that kind of way at least, soon enough she gave up. "Y/N I'm not like him. You don't have to chase me, you don't have to work to get my attention, and more than anything I already like you please just try this out with me." Jesus was all but on his hands and knees begging the girl, he was headstrong and he knew what he wanted and he also knew she wanted the same thing though her fear stood in the way of something beautiful. He had her small cold hands wrapped up in his warm larger hands and she was ravishing in the warmth of them, and then when she spoke her voice cracked. "Jesus I can't. I want to but I can't. I can't let it happen again." She said and as much as she didn't want to she slowly and softly pulled her hands from his, tears formed in her eyes and she was doing all she could to not let them fall.

"You can't let what happen again? You can't let yourself get feelings again? Y/N that's already happening you're just not allowing yourself to act on it which is hurting the both of us." Jesus said his voice full of obvious sadness and confusion, all he wanted was to have the girl he was in such infatuation with to let him hold her in his arms. "No, Jesus that's not what I mean, I mean I can't loose myself chasing after something again." Y/N said this was her heart speaking now, she knew this was just her way of trying to make sure it didn't get hurt again, but what needed to be speaking was her head, her head knew he wouldn't hurt her, her head knew he loved her, why couldn't she let that part of her speak?

"Y/N I would never let you loose yourself, especially not with me, and you don't have to chase me or anything if you just let this happen you won't have to worry about anything." Jesus was trying his hardest to make her understand that he loved her so much that he could never let anything bad happen to her especially if it was over himself.

"But-but, I uhm." She stuttered over her words and then let out a desperate whine trying to find the right words while she walked herself in a small circle and she decided to let her thoughts speak this time. She took in a deep breath and smoothed out her hair and looked at him. Her voice still came out showing the fear and small bit of hurt she seemed to be feeling but this time her mouth said why she was really saying no to him.

"Jesus, I don't deserve you, you have girls chasing after you left and right and you have some real talent. I'm not like that I can't live up to the expectations that you hold for your girlfriends, I've seen the girls you date they're pretty and wear makeup and they're funny and I just- I can't be that girl for you." Her words came out distraught as she tried to find the right words. Jesus sighed, he never took Y/N to be someone who had insecurities but figured everyone had them. "Y/N I don't want to date you because of your looks or anything, and you do deserve me and you are one of the funniest and most talented people I have ever met. Alright?" Jesus asked in a soft voice as he moved closer to the girl who seemed to be at war with herself deciding what to do. "But I don't deserve-" she tried to repeat herself while looking at the ground but she was stopped when a finger made its way under her chin making her head lift up to meet Jesus's soft loving gaze. "Yes you do." He said his voice as soft as his gaze as he slowly leaned in, as much as he wanted to kiss her he wanted to make sure she had time to push him away if she didn't want it. When she didn't move, or move him, he pressed his lips to hers while cupping her face. Y/N had never kissed anyone before so she tried to copy his movements she kissed back and moved her body closer to his and not knowing want to do with her hands simply moved them to hold his wrists making him smile into the kiss.

When he pulled away Y/N slightly moved with him as if saying not to pull away and when he seen and felt the movement the smile was definitely prominent on his face. "I think I'm ready to explore the feeling with you." Y/N said a blush on her cheeks as she looks up to him with a small shy smile. "Me too." He says pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested By: JoshieWasTaken

I hope you all like this and I know it wasn't orginally requested it's just I'm very low on requests and I like to take my time with the ones that are requested to make the perfect. Two updates in two dates? Who is SHE? Lmao I'm actually really proud that I've been updating a lot better last year, thank you everyone who has stuck with this book from my 120 word chapters, to me updating once a month to only give you an A/N, all the way up to my 1000 word chapters, it means a lot to me so thanks! Don't forget to leave a request if you want!


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