Gif #21 (Emma)

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You walk up to Emma's room because she had been avoiding you lately but mostly to be with Jesus and you understood that he needed her

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You walk up to Emma's room because she had been avoiding you lately but mostly to be with Jesus and you understood that he needed her. "Hey Emma?" You ask as you knock on the door she doesn't reply but you hear sniffling and you could tell she was crying so you open the door and walk in. She sat on the edge of her bed tears in her eyes. "What is it baby?" You ask

"I'm I'm pregnant." She sobs and you couldn't move but soon you get to ask a question. "Is it his?" You ask and all she does is sob harder as you walk out the door.

~~~Authors Note~~~
If your reading this then....hello.

Q:do you have siblings?

Mine: yes I have a half little sister and a step older sister.

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