Ash x Furia

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"I'm taking - fire here!"

Ash choked out, as she was being pelted with bullets from Ruckus's machine, Bolt.

The green goblin cackled in delight, and Bolt sighed in exasperation.

The tank next to her, Khan, tapped on her shoulder, and whispered to her,

"Go to Furia.. she'll get you all healed up... I'll handle the situation here.."

He put up his shield so that she could get away.

Ash nodded painfully, and she staggered her way over to the place where Furia had hid.

The Angel's eyes widened in shock when the injured war machine stumbled in front of her.

"Ash?! What happened?"

"J-Just heal me, we can talk about it, after t-the game-"

Ash grit her teeth in pain, for there were several wounds on the exposed parts of her body.

"Okay, okay, don't get all angry..."

Furia murmured, touching Ash's body with her hand, the wounds faded away in a faint burst of green light.

"There you go.."

Ash hated getting help from others, but she had to admit that Furia had done well healing her. She could barely tell that she had ever been wounded.

"I needed that.. Thank you..."

Ash grumbled, and Furia smiled, patting Ash on the head. 

"Go on, win the game for us, Ash.."

"I will."

Ash smirked, and charged out behind the wall, ready to fight.

She was going to make Furia proud.

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