Atlas x Ash

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REQUESTED BY @SmallWriterSaige

A/N: I wasn't sure how to write this, so I hope you enjoy...? I'm not very familiar with Atlas, since he's a newer champion. I'm sorry if anything is inaccurate-

Also, this story goes with the theory that Kinessa + Lex are the parents of Atlas.

"You useless pieces of crap!"

Ash yelled over her shoulder as her teammates got taken down one by one by Kinessa, who was hidden away in a tree far away. The war machine dodged a blue streak of light that came from Kinessa's rifle, now hiding behind a pile of boxes.

None of the flanks were actually doing their job, and Ash got angry at them.

"SKYE! MAEVE! Do your damn jobs!"

Ash seethed, reloading her cannon angrily. Maeve just giggled and ran off, while Skye blew a kiss at Ash and called,

"Sorry Honey, I'm a bit busy right now!~"

The twilight assassin threw down a gray smoke bomb, the smoke making Ash cough loudly. Ash cursed loudly, and formulated a plan.

"Well, I could just go after Kinessa myself. Seris is really having problems healing, so I guess I'll just do it."

She nodded to herself, and then snuck around. Once Ash was near the tree Kinessa was in, she prepared to strike. Just about when she was going to fire a bullet at the oblivious sniper, a body knocked her over.

"What the-"

Ash whisper-shouted, and when she caught sight of her attacker, she gasped.

It was Atlas, the mysterious new man that had just recently appeared. His dark orange eyes gleamed with hatred as he stared down at Ash, his lip curled.

"I cannot believe that you'd do this."

He said, kicking Ash's weapon out of reach for her. The fallen war machine tried to get up, but was pushed down by Atlas. The large man was furious now.

"Don't even try killing my mother, Ash, or you'll regret it."

"Stop drawing out my death...! Just... kill me already!"

Ash said hoarsely, her whole body aching and throbbing from her fall. She could hardly move, yet Atlas didn't make a move to hurt her.

Then, to her surprise, he just sighed, and reached a weathered hand out to her. She took it hesitantly, his calloused palm feeling familiar to her own rough hands.

"I will not kill you, but let this serve as a warning. You're better than this."

He rumbled, and then turned away. Ash just stared at the retreating figure in shock, unable to move.

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