Vivian x Tyra

589 4 17

REQUESTED BY @SmallWriterSaige

Tyra was on a mission for the Resistance.

She was to get some food for the base, since they were running out.

As she walked along, she wondered if instead of going to the market for food, perhaps she could just hunt some animals and bring them back.

Of course, Ying was against that, and everyone had a soft spot for Ying, so they mainly just went along with everything she said.

Tyra had to lay low though, because she was part of the Resistance, and she was actually on the Magistrates wanted list.

"Shoot, this place is infested with Magistrate people..."

She said to herself, as she spotted Viktor and Fernando patrolling the streets. Her grip on her gun tightened slightly at the sight of her old allies.

Tyra finally made it to the market, and she sucked in air, her heart pounding nervously as she entered.

The place was crowded, with a lot of commoners picking out fruits and vegetables for their families.

Tyra was glad her gun was hidden under her cloak, or she would've scared the commoners.

She shopped a bit, picking out Koga's favorite kind of chips, and fruit for Cassie's bird, Zigs.

After she had everything together, she turned to go to the cashiers when-

"Hello, Tyra. Nice to see you here. It's been a while."

"Oh, uh, hey Viv."

Tyra said nervously.

Crap, Vivian's part of the Magistrate, what if she turns me in? We used to be friends - best friends actually, but now I'm in the Resistance, and-

"So, how's the Resistance doing?"

Tyra breathed in deeply, and looks into Vivian's dark eyes.

"You know I can't answer that, Vivian."

Vivian nods sadly, and says,

"I know. I haven't forgotten that we used to be close friends, you know."

Tyra nods, and she says,

"The past is the past. I have to check out these things."


Vivian said, following after Tyra.

Tyra got to the check out line, and when everything was scanned, she saw the price, and mentally cursed.

I'm a coin off. My luck today is horrible. First I meet Vivian, and now I don't have money for all this stuff. What am I going to do???

"I'll pay."

A voice breaks into Tyra's thoughts, and she is surprised when Vivian takes out a bag full of golden coins and throws it in front of the cashier.

"Keep it all. Feed your family."

The cashier is stunned, and profusely mumbles 'thank you's as he packs up everything for Tyra.

"Viv, you know you didn't have to do that..."

Tyra mumbles, as they make their way out of the market.

"You didn't have enough money.. besides, I missed you."

Vivian brings her old friend into a hug, and Tyra feels her eyes watering as they break away.

"I wish we could be together more."

Vivian nods grimly, and then says,

"This is just the way things are, Tyra. I have to leave now. Be safe, please.."

Vivian turns away, and Tyra feels her heart break.

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