Skye x Reader

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A/N: oh yee this is a different type of x reader, this time its skye's thoughts and stuff oowowowow but if you guys hate it then i wont ever do that again whoops-

Skye was standing next to Koga, picking at her nails. Sha Lin was eagerly listening to what Zhin was saying, while Koga was rolling his eyes at the other male's eagerness.

Currently they were getting a mission to kill someone that had some person hostage.

Skye could honestly care less, but if they were hired, she'd work.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhin said, taking out his sword and pouring some oil on it. The blade blazed with a new found flame.

When the group made it to the location, Zhin beckoned to Koga and Sha Lin.

They got to him, and Zhin whispered to Skye,

"While we're dealing with the target, you go get the hostage that we're supposed to be getting from this area."

Skye nodded, a determined look appearing on her face.

The three males snuck into the room, and Skye noticed that all she could see were shadows.

They're getting pretty good at this, aren't they?

Skye thought, as she activated her stealth on her wrist crossbow.

When she got into the room, they were already attacking the target, and Skye gazed around the room.

There's no hostage...

She walked around some more, until she heard some thumping from a box.

Skye ran over, and opened it, finding someone she didn't expect.


Skye said in surprise, and Y/N gazed up at her, and then fainted.


She cursed, and she yelled over her shoulder at Koga, Sha Lin, and Zhin,

"I found the hostage! They're out cold though!"


Zhin said, as they came over to get Y/N.


Skye nervously tapped her foot, waiting for Y/N to wake up.

A million thoughts raced in her mind.

Why is Y/N here?

Why was Y/N kept hostage?

Is Y/N okay?

Most importantly, when did Y/N get so cute??!?

The sound of blankets being moved disturbed Skye's thoughts, and she looked up.


She said, and then Y/N burst into tears suddenly.

"Y-Y/N? What's wrong?"

Skye said hastily, moving over to cup Y/N's cheek with her hand. 

Y/N just kept crying.


Skye kissed Y/N on forehead, whispering some comfort words, and Y/N finally settled down.


Y/N started to say, and Skye looked at Y/N.

"I just missed you a lot... You disappeared a few years ago without saying goodbye to me.."

"I'm sorry, Y/N..."

Skye said, bringing Y/N to her chest, making the other blush.

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