Koga x Ying

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REQUESTED BY @SmallWriterSaige

Ying was on the battlefield, putting up healing illusions for her friends when a tall man walked over to her, taking out his flaming sword.

"Hello, have you forgotten me?"

Ying looked up at the man in horror, and she whispered,

"P-Please don't hurt me again.."

The man laughed, and aimed the sword at the young elf's throat.

"Lord Zhin never has mercy! Die, you stupid girl!"

He slashed down, and was stopped by a bare hand.

It was Koga.

He winced at the feeling of his flesh being burned by the blade, but he still managed to keep himself upright.

Ying gasped, and was about to help Koga when he pushed her behind him more.

"Stay... Out of this..."

He said in a strained voice, and Ying nodded softly, feeling like she was about to cry.

Why is he doing this for me?

"Zhin, pick on opponents your own size!"

Koga yelled, taking out his claws and swiping at Zhin.

Zhin dodged, and stabbed at Koga, who barely jumped out of the way.

Koga picked Ying up, and dashed away from Zhin.

The other man let out a cry of rage, and sent one more flaming slash at Koga.

Koga staggered, and managed to get behind a wall, when he let Ying down.

He fell down, and Ying gulped when she saw what was wrong.

Zhin had hit him.

Scorched flesh was all over his back.

"It... Hurts..."

Koga mumbled, his cheek pressed up against the ground.

Ying cried silently, as she summoned an illusion. This illusion sent a beam of pure green light on Koga's flesh, which immediately healed and turned back to normal.

Her tears dried when she realized her illusion had done its job.

"Thank-Thanks Ying.."

He stammers, sitting up and not hesitating to bring the small girl into a tight hug.

"I don't know what I would've done without your help."

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