Strix x Viktor

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Strix was zoomed into his scope. He zoned out all the fighting around him, and he was looking for a target. 

He was supposed to be hunting down Ying, since she was part of the Resistance, but she wasn't seen anywhere.

He looked around more, until his scope settled on a man that was staring directly at him.


Viktor smiled, and did their old kind of salute to each other.

Strix smiled to himself, and he was startled when there was crazy laughter behind him.

He scoped out, and Evie was behind him.

"Sooo, whatcha doing, bird brain?"

Evie said, twirling her weapon around in her hand.

"Nothing. Leave me alone, Evie. I'm supposed to be hunting for Ying."

Evie's smile widened as she said, 

"Oh, I've seen Ying. She's with Sha-Lin. They're, oh, how do I say this, on a date?"

Strix rolled his eyes, and said, 

"That's not much of help to me. Care to tell me where their date is?"

Evie shook her head and said, 


She jumped onto her broom, and flew away, leaving a flurry of snowflakes behind her. Strix accidentally inhaled some of them and started having a little coughing fit.

He felt a hand on his back, and Strix turned around, immediately taking out his small side arm.

"Relax, Strix. It's just me."

Viktor said, laughing as Strix sighed in relief, having thought it was one of the Resistance who had found him.

"You scared me, Viktor."

Strix complains, and Viktor chuckles.

"That was funny, I gotta admit."

"No, it wasn't for me!"

"Ah, whatever, if there really was someone to get you, I'd be there to protect you, Strix."

Viktor says, patting Strix on the head roughly.


"Y'know, it was pretty cute seeing you all scared.."

Viktor then admits, bringing Strix into a hug.

"Viktor, SHUT UP!"

A/N: Viktor acts like this only around Strix, who is his best friend (or maybe more ;) ) he's really serious around everyone else

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