Strix x Merrymaker Evie

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a/n: for this one shot, both the Magistrate and Paladins decide to hold a Christmas party together, and Evie goes all out and decides to dress up. She's the one hosting the party too-

"...What is the point of this party?"

Strix asked Viktor, his gaze lidded and bored as  he looked around the room. The usually dull room of Magistrate's base was now decorated in flickering Christmas lights, and cheery Christmas music played in the background. There was also a huge Christmas tree was set in the corner.

The Christmas tree had many ornaments on it, each made by one of the champions on the Magistrate's side, and Paladins' side. For example, Maeve had made a clay cat paw ornament that was painted in hot pink. It stood out from the rest of the ornaments, and from the way the small female stood confidently in front of the Christmas tree, Strix could tell she was proud of it.

"I'm not sure. This whole deal is ridiculous, if you ask me."

Viktor whispered to Strix, who nodded in agreement. The two of them weren't used to such a happy environment, since there were usually huge battles and intense training.

Suddenly, Vivian walked over to Viktor, and with a sly smile she beckoned him towards her with a finger. Viktor gulped.

"Uhhhh... I have to go, Strix. See you around, buddy."

He hastily walked away with Vivian, and Strix was left alone confused. He scratched the back of his head. Viktor never called him buddy, so maybe something was up...

"Uh... okay?"

Strix let out, and then turned around. He needed to have a drink of beer.

On his way to the room the drinks were kept in, he spotted Vivian and Viktor in the corner. Vivian was whispering something into Viktor's ear, making the usually calm male turn red. Then she did something that really shocked Strix. The sniper quickly walked away after seeing it.

When he made it into the room, Strix looked around for a beer bottle.

Huh. There was none.

There was only a Slushie machine that hummed quietly in the corner, bowls of colorful fruit punch that probably wasn't healthy at all, and finally cans of soda.

"Darn. There's no beer here..."

Strix said aloud to himself, and suddenly a cheerful giggle sounded next to him. He spun around and came face to face with a happy looking witch with green hair. Her hair was put up with bright red ribbons.

"I am here!~"

Merrymaker Evie sang, a bright look in her blue eyes. Strix sighed, adjusting his hat.


Evie smiled happily and leaned back and forth on her feet. She looked up at Strix, and poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue.

"There's no alcoholic drinks here, silly! But there's a bunch of yummy drinks like fruit punch! Oh, I love fruit punch so much!!!! I could drink it all the time-"

"Okay. I'll be leaving then."

Strix deadpanned, turning away to leave the room. Evie skipped after him, humming a happy tune.

"Where ya goin'?"

Strix didn't respond, but he was planning to leave the party all together. If they didn't have alcohol, then what was the point of staying?

As he walked through the door of the room, Evie suddenly stopped him with an arm. She tapped him on the shoulder, and pointed up. Strix looked up.


There was a mistletoe hanging above of them, and Strix cursed his horrible luck.

"I don't want to."

He said flatly, and Evie shook her head.

"Nope! You have to!!! Or you're breaking the rules!"

Strix stayed silent, and Evie just smiled. She stepped onto her tippie toes and pecked him on the lips, making him stiffen up and blush slightly.

"There you go! I gotta go, see you later!"

Evie turned and pranced away, leaving Strix a blushing mess.

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