Talus x Maeve

814 6 31

REQUESTED BY @KarenRuiz750

The Resistance had Maeve over for the day, since she was neutral in the battle, and took hire from just about anyone who had the gold.

The group was bored, so naturally, they decided to have a game night.

"What're we gonna do?"

Talus asked innocently, and Koga snickered.

"Ah, Talus, today we're gonna be playing truth or dare."

Cassie squealed excitedly, and Tyra face palmed.

"Oh, alright."

Talus then said, sitting up straighter, wanting to do his best in this game.

Koga smirked at Talus's innocence, and wondered what he was gonna make Talus do.

"Since Maeve's the guest here, I guess I'll let her go first."

Koga announced, looking at the small female.

"Okay, kitten~"

She cooed, and Furia glared at her. (I'm so sorry Ik I added Furia x Koga again : '))) but I can't help itttttt ughhh)

"Well, hmm, ah, Sha Lin! Truth or dare?"

The archer thought for a second, and then said,


"Are you dating Ying? I see that you two have gotten a bit more touchy lately..."

Maeve said, smiling sweetly as Sha Lin turned red with embarrassment, and Ying was blushing.

Finally, Sha Lin said,

"Yeah... We started a month ago..."

He turned to Ying, and smiled sheepishly. Ying's eyes were glistening with tears as she threw herself into his arms, and Sha Lin patted her on the head.

"I'm sorry, she's just a little emotional about the whole thing.. she's seen a lot of bad things in the past..."

Maeve smiled at the couple, and said,

"You two are so cute together~ I hope you have little kittens soon!"


Sha Lin stuttered, and Maeve smirked when she saw Ying blush even more.

"Anyways.. it's your turn, Sha Lin."

"A-Ah! Yes! Uh, Tyra! Truth or dare?"

Sha Lin said quickly, Ying still in his arms.


Tyra said, uninterested, and Sha Lin said hesitantly,

"I dare you to kiss Cassie..?"


Tyra blurted out, and Sha Lin smiled awkwardly,

"I don't know, she was next to you so that's the person I chose.."

Cassie was looking away with a faint blush on her face, and Tyra sighed.

"I guess I'll do it.."

Tyra grabbed Cassie's chin, and turned her gently.

She then leaned in and pecked the red haired girl on the lips.

Cassie hugged Tyra.

"I... Like you.."

She stuttered, and Tyra turned red.

"Oh man, lots of confessions today, I see.."

Koga said, and Tyra rolled her eyes.

"I guess it's my turn to ask. Talus, truth or dare?"

The small male perked up when he heard his name.

"Dare! I love a good challenge!"

What an innocent little thing Talus is.. I'll show him a challenge...

Tyra thought, smirking as she said,

"I dare you to play Pocky with Maeve. Koga, go get the box."

"Ugh, why do I have to?"

"You're the closest, just do it."


He grumbled as he untangled himself from Furia, and got up.

While this was happening, Maeve had already gotten up and sat herself next to Talus, who had confusion written all over his face.

"What's Pocky..? Is it a kind of battle? Oh man, I can't wait to show how strong I am-"

"Oh kitten, you're so innocent..."

Maeve purred, as she stared at Talus with her piercing blue eyes.

"It's not a battle.. you'll see.."

She added, and Talus grinned.

"I can't wait! It must be something fun!"

Soon, Koga got back with the box, and Tyra got out a stick.

Talus eyed the stick hungrily, and said,

"Wow, that looks yummy!"

"Yup, here, put this end in your mouth."

Tyra said, and Talus took it.

Maeve took the other end.

"W-What are you doing, Maeve?"

Talus said, his voice muffled.

She smirked around the stick, and started to chew on it, nearing Talus's face.

"Uuuuu, I don't like this!!"

Talus groaned as Maeve ate the last tiny part before she pressed her lips against Talus's.

It was sweet, and Talus couldn't help but lean more into it, the taste of strawberry overwhelming him.

"That's great."

Koga said, viewing the scene.

"I ship them now, haha-"

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