Jenos x Koga pt2

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REQUESTED BY @CuriousityKillss

The days after that encounter between Jenos and Koga, Jenos had become needy and clingy with Koga. The god now always asked Koga for cuddles after battles, and the ninja didn't mind at all. It seemed that Jenos had touch craved over all these years he's been alive.

"Koga, are you busy right now?"

Jenos had asked one day on the sofa after an especially grueling battle against the Magistrate, and Koga looked up from his phone.

"Nah, I'm not. Why?"

Jenos snuggled deeper into his covers, and his voice came out muffled.

"Can we cuddle? I'm a little sore from dodging  so many bullets from the Magistrate's trrrible guns."

Koga smirked, and slid closer to the god.

"I can make you sore from another reason, y'know..."

Jenos's mouth dropped open from what Koga said, and he spluttered,

"What foul thoughts are you thinking of?!"


Koga laughed and crawled forward to nuzzle Jenos's cheek, making the god blush hard. The ninja wrapped his arms around Jenos. He played with the god's silky hair.

"You're so pretty, Jenos..."

Koga whispered softly into Jenos's hair, and Jenos retorted angrily,

"I'm handsome-"

"Mmm, whatever you say, cutie..."

The ninja replied as he buried his face into Jenos's neck.

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