Maeve x Assassin Reader

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REQUESTED BY @v1adimir1estrad

The man pushed a picture up to me on the table, and I stared at it.

It was a picture of a girl with white hair that flowed down to her shoulders, and she had a dress on. The look on her face shouted stuck up, and I looked up at the man who hired me.

"Who's this?"

"Lian, Scion of House Acio. She's part of the Magistrate, and we'd really appreciate it if she's eliminated. She's really causing trouble for us."

He explained, and I smirked at him and said,

"Got it sir, all I wanna know now is how much I'll get for this."

He reached under the desk and threw a sack full of glittering coins on the table. My eyes widened at the sight of the treasure, my mouth watering at the thought of how much food I could buy with that, and I immediately said,

"I'll get right onto the mission!"

I dashed out of the room and set off to find the princess that was my target.


I landed on the roof of the castle and looked down at the sight under me.

Lian was ordering her troops around, and she seemed to be frowning at everything that her troops did wrong.

I could hear her faintly shriek,

"You guys aren't doing any of this right! Come on, again! We're not stopping until we get this right."

A man wearing gleaming armor touched a large hand to her shoulder, and it seemed to calm her down a bit.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I nearly fell off the roof. I spun around, prepared to fight, when I saw that it was a girl with short pink hair, and ice blue eyes.

She giggled at my reaction and she patted me on the head.

"You're so cute, kitten! What's your name?"

I stared at her and she giggled again. I got agitated at how much she was giggling.

Does she think I'm a joke?

"I'm Maeve! What's your name?"

She said and I mumbled,


"Nice to meet you Y/N!"

Maeve said, and then she looked over my shoulder.

"Ah, that's my target! Gotta go, sorry kitten!~"

She was on all fours, preparing to leap down onto a lower platform, similarly to a cat when I stopped her.

"Wait a second, this is my target, not yours."

I said fiercely. There was no way a... cute girl was going to ruin my chances of getting that money.

Maeve looked at me in confusion, and then laughed.

"Then we can share this target, kitten! We're friends, right?"

"...I don't know about that.."

I grumbled and she ignored it, grabbing my hand.

"Let's go!"

A/N: I'm back :)

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