Zhin x f!reader 2

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a/n: hi, this oneshot is super bad but i wanted to post something for 200 followers- (im sorry to the person who requested this; paladins isn't really a fandom i'm a part of anymore... ;-;)

now, if i'm gonna be completely honest with you all, i'm not all that interested in paladins anymore. i haven't opened the game in months - i think it might be because of the toxic community that paladins has- anyway, i'm not sure if i'll come back from the hiatus anytime soon, only time will tell- (btw, im part of the bnha fandom now so if you happen to like the villains, there's a bunch of oneshot books on my profile for them---- sorry for the self promo :') )

When I dropped all the weapons on my way to to the training room, Koga let out an 'oooooooooh' sound and Skye gasped.

"You're gonna get into so much trouble, Y/N~"

Koga sang in a sing-song voice, and I nibbled on my lip nervously, leaning down to pick the fallen weapons up. Skye helped me, and I smiled at her, which she returned. She was my best friend in the Guild.

I then turned and glared at Koga, who was just standing over us with a cocky expression.

"Could you please help us, Koga?"

I said bitterly, and he took one look at Skye's butt, and whistled lowly. I let out a scoff of disgust, and he chuckled as he bit his lip, eyes still trained on the same area,

"I think I'll stay here, thanks though!"

"What happened here?"

The cool voice of Zhin then rang out behind us, and I froze, my heart dropping to my belly. Sweat started to gather at my brow, and my body grew cold. Next to me, Skye squeaked, the weapons spilling out of her arms with a clatter. I could tell that the pretty twilight assassin was terrified, from the slight whimpers that came from her, but those noises quickly disappeared when Koga pulled her close to his muscular body.

Anyway, I knew that there was no way I was going to worm my way out of this situation, so I spun around to face my disdainful leader. I took a deep breath, and then spoke, my eyes meeting Zhin's narrowed dark eyes.

"I... dropped the weapons along the way. Don't worry though, I'm working on picking them up-"

Zhin cut me off with a short bark of laughter, his next words dripping with malice. His eyes smoldered with harsh laughter and contempt.

"I can see that, Y/N. I cannot believe that you're this incompetent, perhaps I should kick you out, hm? I don't think you're worthy of staying here."

At those words, I could feel tears welling at my eyes, the words like stabbing knives on my sensitive heart. Next to me, I heard Skye gasp, and she stepped forward, before Zhin put a hand up to stop her, not even sparing a glance at the female.

"Koga and Skye, leave. This is not a conversation you're a part of."

"Dude, I-"

Koga began to say, and Zhin glared at his student.


With a scoff, Koga left, his arm wrapped around Skye's waist. Once the two of them were gone, Zhin stepped forward to me, his eyes softening suddenly. He then said something that surprised me.

"I... Y/N, I'm sorry."

His hands reached out toward me, and I turned away from him.

"I thought you said you were going to kick me out. Why are you acting so differently now?"

There wasn't a response from him, so I turned to him angrily, about to tell him off when chapped lips suddenly pressed up against mine. It was Zhin, and his dark eyes were closed as he kissed me deeply, his hands coming down to grab my wrists.

Defeated, I melted into the kiss.

My heart fluttered in my chest, and I wondered if I liked Zhin.

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