Makoa x Reader

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"T-The water's probably cold...!"

I whined as Koga tried to push me into the water, my whole body tensing up when gentle waves lapped at my feet. The ninja just rolled his eyes and said, stepping in front of me and saluting to me as he jumped forward,

"Suit yourself, scaredy cat!"

I watched him swim to Furia, who was floating on a pyre-blade float. He attempted to drag her off. The sounds of their combined laughter filled my ears, making me grin a bit.

I looked at the blue water with wary eyes. I had never learned how to swim, and I really wished I had now, since the Paladins had taken the whole crew to go swimming.

"I hate this..."

I whispered to myself, and then a deep voice asked next to me,

"How come? The ocean is a beautiful thing."

Jumping a bit in fear and shock, I looked to the source of the voice. It was Makoa, the large tortoise looking at me curiously.

"I... just never learned how to swim..."

I admitted, moving a hand to my arm to rub it nervously. I had never told anyone this, but the wise tortoise made me feel safe.

"Oh, I see. Well, I could take you around for a ride on my back, if you'd like."

Makoa said, watching me with his kind red eyes, and I nodded. It seemed like a good idea.

"Oh, sure, thanks!"

I said gratefully, letting out a small noise of surprise when he lifted me up onto his back. I held onto the hard shell, feeling the deep grooves of age and wear on it.

"Hold on tight."

He said softly as he slid into the water. I flinched when my legs got submerged partially into the slightly cold water.

Makoa swam around for a bit, and as we approached the other Paladins that were swimming around, Koga popped out from under the water next to me. His usually spiky white hair was sticking to his forehead.

"Sup Y/N. Took you long enough to get in."

I glared at him, and I heard Makoa sigh at what Koga said.

"Young one, patience is key."

The wise tortoise said to Koga, who nodded, not really taking in the advice he was given.

"Sure. See you two around."

He then dove under water again, only to pop up next to Furia.

"Uh, listen, Makoa, thanks for that back there..."

I said awkwardly to Makoa after a while of cruising around. Makoa looked back at me in surprise.


"I mean, you didn't tell Koga that I didn't know how to swim, and I really appreciate that. If he knew, he'd tease me about it a lot. So, thanks."

I said, not making eye contact with him.

"Oh, no problem."

Makoa replied, and I smiled a bit to myself.

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