Androxus x Ying pt2

377 4 8

REQUESTED BY @petal-chan

As they were hugging, Talus walked into the room. The pair froze, and the small ska'drin stared at the two.

"Uh, what's going on here...?"

Androxus quickly stopped hugging Ying, and turned around, trying to rub off the makeup that was caked on his face. Ying, on the other hand, nervously tried to make conversation with Talus, who had a look of confusion on his face.

"S-So, how're you doing, Ta-Talus? Great day, isn't i-it?"

"Yeah... I... What did Androxus have on his face?"

Talus said, trying to peer at the panicking male's face. Ying quickly floated in front of Talus's line of sight, laughing nervously,

"You didn't see anything! Now, come on, come with me! I have some cookies for you!"

Talus perked up at the sound of that, and followed Ying out of the room, making Androxus let out a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes, Ying glided back into the room. She floated to Androxus's side, and asked softly,

"Do you want me to take off the makeup for you?"

"Yeah, thanks..."

He said quietly, and Ying took some makeup remover wipes, wiping it gently against his face.

"Listen, I'm sorry Androxus..."

Ying said, and Androxus shook his head, smiling softly at the girl.

"It's fine. I enjoyed it. We should do this again sometime."

She nodded eagerly, cheering up when she noticed that Androxus wasn't angry.

"Yeah, we should! Next time I'll add eyelashes!"

"Uh... I'm not sure about that-"

"Oh come on, it'll be fun! You can do my makeup too!"

"Oh, alright, fine..."


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