Furia x Priest Reader

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REQUESTED BY @v1adimir1estrad

A/N: quick heads up: I'm gonna get on a writing spree soon because I feel so bad for not writing so long..! A lot of you requested stuff and that was like back in March so ;-; SO SORRYYYY :((( I'll be better about this I hope in the future -

Also I had no idea how to write a priest reader, so I'm sorry if I got it wrong ;-;

I prayed in front of the pyre, murmuring blessings for the Angel of Vengeance, Furia.

"Furia, thank you for keeping us safe from the Abyss. The town of Seris was destroyed, but you were strong and vowed to fight against the Abyss."

I finished, and spent a few more moments there, a faint beam of light striking the ruins of the place.

When I felt like I was ready to leave, I turned away, sighing happily when suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Sorry- wait...!"

I realized who I had bumped into.

It was Furia.

She looked at me, her golden eyes softening. Her wings were as majestic as the legends had said they were, the orange-yellow feathers rustling in the slight wind.

"F-Furia! I... I'm so honored to be in your presence! I feel so blessed, I..."

I exclaimed, my voice trailing off as I suddenly got super nervous, since the holy being I had been praying to daily for almost a whole year had appeared in front of me. Furia smiled softly.

"Oh, mortal, I'm happy to be here too. I really appreciate your dedication to me. It makes me happy that mortals care about fighting the Abyss as well."

I nodded eagerly, my nervousness fading away as I said,

"Yes! We need to get rid of the Abyss! All it brings is danger and death!"

Furia nodded, and then said,

"I have to leave, but keep it up, mortal. I'll fight hard against the Abyss."

Furia turned away, disappearing in a flurry of feathers, and I smiled to myself.

I... met Furia...!

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