Omega Koga x Battlesuit Angel Furia

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A/N: Koga got lost in a tear in reality, and now Battlesuit Angel is looking for him

"Are you sure this is where they are?"

Eagle Eye said hesitantly, as the Battlesuits stood in front of a swirling vortex, stars glistening inside of it.

"I'm sure."

Battlesuit Angel said.

This was the tear that had taken Koga years ago, and Battlesuit Angel was determined to get her lover back.

"Okay, whatever you say..."

Eagle Eye said, and the two of them stepped into the vortex, feeling the unpleasant feeling of being dragged through something.

"I-Is this supposed to happen?"

Eagle Eye said, panicking a little, and Battlesuit Angel wrapped a wing around her apprentice.

"Don't worry. This is supposed to happen."

The smaller female seemed to relax a little at that.

Finally, they were thrown out of the vortex, landing on cold, metal ground.

Battlesuit Angel got up, wincing a little when her wing got stuck on Eagle Eye's armor.

"Woah... This place is..."

Eagle Eye said, getting up too.

The area they had ended up in was filled with things made of metal.

Metal grass, metal trees, metal buildings, and even metal clouds.

"What is this place...?"

"I don't know, but I think Koga might've ended up here."

Battlesuit Angel said, and she suddenly spotted a familiar figure.

A woman wearing a suit of silver armor with orange cloth trailing behind her was approaching them.


Battlesuit Angel called out, and the woman smiled, waving at them.

"Hey, Furia!"

Battlesuit Angel was a bit shaken to hear her old name, but she had secretly missed being called Furia.

"How's Jenos doing?"

Imani said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"He's doing good. He just misses you."

Battlesuit Angel responded, and Imani smiled.

"I miss him too. I might pay him a visit sometime."

"He'd love that.. Hey, Imani, where's Koga?"

Imani thought for a bit, and smirked.

"You still love him, don't 'cha?"

The angel blushed, and said, 

"W-Well, yeah... And he's been gone for so long... I miss his touch..."

Eagle Eye suddenly piped up,

"Oh, so that's why you were so determined to find him again!"

The apprentice was grinning evilly, and Battlesuit Angel rolled her eyes.

"Yeah.. Anyways... Where is he-"

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around Battlesuit Angel's waist, pulling her against a muscular chest.

"You missed me, huh?"

A soft voice said in her ear, and she blushed, knowing who it was.


She turned around, and gazed at her boyfriend.

He was in a gray suit like Imani's, just with green highlights.

"Furia... I missed you.. Or is it Battlesuit Angel now?"

Koga said, smiling when Battlesuit Angel buried her head in his chest.

"I missed you so much..."

She cried, nearly squeezing the life out of Koga, and he laughed.

"I love you."

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