Androxus x Ying

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"Oh hi Andro!"

Ying said happily, smiling at the tall man who stood in front of her.

"Ah, hello Ying."

He said in a deep voice, stepping forward to pat her on the head.

"Soooo, I was wondering..."

Ying said, fiddling with her fingers nervously,

"Could I put makeup on you? I just really wanna have someone to practice my makeup skills on, and all the other girls are busy.."

Androxus felt his heart - (if he even had one) - melt for the girl that was in front of him.

"Sure, I guess. As long as you don't tell anyone.. I need to keep up my reputation."

"Okay! I promise I won't!"

Ying said excitedly. She didn't expect Androxus to say yes, but since he did, she would need to take advantage of this opportunity.

She got out her makeup bag, and started to put all sorts of stuff on Androxus's face. (i have no idea how makeup works so sorry XD)

After she got finished, she floated back, and looked at the final result of her hard work.

"Oh, you look so cute!!!"

She squealed, hugging Androxus tightly, and he laughed awkwardly.

"Do I really?"

He asked, and Ying nodded.

"Thanks, Ying."

He then said, bringing her into an even tighter hug.

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