~it started with the dare~

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Jimin x Jiyoon

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Jimin x Jiyoon

3rd Person pov

The three energetic males of the maknae line stay in front of their tablet's camera for a V-Live. Jimin was laying on the bed and the other two were sat on desk chairs.

"Hey guys! You should give us some dares!" Taehyung suggests with a playful grin. Within seconds, the comments were filled with many dares for each of them.

"This one is for Jungkook," He reads out loud. "I dare you to call J-Hope our of his room, hide, then jump out and scare him."

Jungkook giggles at the very descriptive dare and nodded his head. Jimin clapped as the golden maknae walked out of the room.

"Hoseok-Hyung!!! Can you come out for a second?"

"What for?"

"I -uhhh... I need help on a ummm... dance move! Yeah! Dance move!"

"Sure! Give me a second."

Footsteps were heard as Jungkook quickly rushed inside the dark bathroom.

"Hey Jungkookie, what did y- AHHHHHH"

J-Hope jumped in fear after Jungkook popped out of the bathroom and grabbed his older member's shoulders.

"Yah! Don't scare me like that!" He hit the younger boy's arm and frowned. Jungkook laughed as J-Hope stomped back to his room.

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook with the camera in his hands.

"Good work Jungkookie!" Jimin applauds through laughs. The three walked back into the bedroom and read more comments.

"Ooh! Ooh! This is a good one Hyung! It says, see how long you can lay on Jiyoon while she sleeps until she wakes up."

Jimin reread the dare and shook his head.

"She is gonna get mad at me!"

"Hey! I scared Hoseok-Hyung and got punched for it! This one isn't that bad," the youngest said with a pout.

Jimin sighed and told the fans he would do it. The three stood up and began walking to her room.

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