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(very unedited, also written late at night oOps)



"My satoori?" I ask in surprise. The fans really want to hear my accent?

"Ah! Jiyoonie sounds so cute with her satoori!" Jimin told the fans. I nudged his shoulder and shook my head.

"No, no... why don't you have Jungkookie show them his satoori," I told him.

"Yoonieeee, show them!!!!" Hobi cheered.


"Aish... fine I guess I'll have to do it," I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Oppa! Why don't you show army your dialect after me?" I ask Jimin with my accent.

"Ah, I don't know what you are talking about. I have no dialect when I talk," Jimin responded sarcastically with strong satoori.

"Atta! Jungkookie! Your turn now!" I said keeping my satoori going. He laughed at me before saying something.

"Ah Jiyoonie-noona! Why don't you answer my texts?"

The crowd "ohs" and everyone turns their attention to me.

"If you didn't spam me everyday, maybe I would respond," I tell him and pinch his nose. Everyone "aws" and a lot of fans start to chant our ship name.

"I spam Jiyoonie but she responds to me all the time!"

The crowd goes wild after Taehyung's statement. He smirks at the maknae and giggles.

"What??? I can't believe this Noona..." Jungkook says with heavy satoori.

"Taehyung... those are only memes though. If you spammed me normally, I wouldn't respond."

"Liar!! I spam you everyday with messages and you text me back!" Jimin argues.

"What do you message her?!" Jungkook asks in surprise.

"I tell her random things and sometimes she responds with something specialllll~ but I wont say hehehe!" The fans immediately got curious as well as the members.





"No! Don't say it Jimin!!!" I complained. I knew exactly what he was talking about. There was that one day when I was struggling with the choreography with my solo song and he stayed up with me for a while when the others all left. It was super late and I was still not giving up but he insisted that I rested but of course, I was being stubborn... so he spent time learning the dance to help me perfect it. I was super thankful for him so I messaged him a nice letter. Ever since that day, it's just routine for me to send him random cute notes because I find it cute when I see him smile while reading it.

"Hyung!!! What is it?"

"She says that sh-"

"Yahhh!!!! Stop ittttt!!!!" I interrupt and start leaning into Jin as I cover my face.

"She always sends random cute messages!!! Sometimes she says compliments and other times she will say that she loves me hehehe."


(That was the crowd^)

"WHATTT!!!! That's unfair!!!!" Taehyung complains.

"She does the same to me," Jin says with a shrug. The two youngest boys stood in shock as they realized Jimin wasn't the only one.

"Yeah, me too," Namjoon says with a cute smile.

"Same, she always tell me that she loves meeee," Yoongi says with a gummy smile. The fans started cheering at the soft Suga moment.

"I thought she says that to everyone," Hobi admitted. "Because I know that she does that to the hyung line."

"Why are me and V-hyung the only ones that don't get special messages?!?" Jungkook asks and pouts. "Why don't you tell meee that you love me?"

"Why do I need to tell you if you know that already?"

"You do it to all the hyungs!!" Tae complained this time.

"Because I always tell you two in person!" I told the two of them. They were still mad and wouldn't take my reasoning.

"Liarrrr, when do you ever say that to me?"

I rolled my eyes and decided that I'll give them what they want. I stood in front of the both of them and stared them dead in the eye.

"I love you Taehyung. I love you Jungkook."

The two of them clutched their hearts and pretended like they were dying of affection. The crowd was loving the fan service. I laughed at the both of them before going back into Jin's arms.

"Wow! Jiyoonie loves meeeee!!" Tae said in the mic with a cute voice.

"Cuteeeee!!!" Jungkook started.

"But I still want my compliment messages."


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