~fanfiction pt 2~

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He leaned in closer and gently moved her head to the side, taking a look at the marks he had given her earlier. He smirks at the sight and sneaks a quick smack at her behind. She gasps in surprise and turns red immediately.

"J-Jungkook! Stop that!"

He ignores her pecks her lips.

"You are mine. Only mine. Do you understand that?"

She gulps but hesitantly nods her head anyways. He seems amused at her response and quickly goes into action. He grabs her shoulders and flip her around so her chest is pressed against the wall. Jiyoon hears some metal clinks of a belt and then the towel wrapped around her begins to rise up. In a matter of seconds, his-

"JIYOOOOONIE!!! Can you hand me some clothessss?"

I look up from my laptop to see Jungkook peeking his head out the bathroom door.

"Oh my gosh, go get it yourself!" I exclaim, clearly getting irritated with him interrupting me.

"Please Noonaaaaa," he says with a pout. I roll my eyes and don't budge.

"No. Why can't you just walk to your dresser?"

"Unless you wanna see me walk out naked, I suggest that you just hand me my clothes."

I groan and grab his clothes, throwing it at him. He catches the pile of sweatpants and underwear and thanks me. A couple of minutes pass before he walks out of the bathroom, letting his Calvin Klein underwear peak out of his low rise sweats. I rush past him and make my way to the bathroom.

I take a very quick and simple shower before cleaning my face and leaving the room. I spot Jungkook standing by his dresser, checking his phone. His black hair is still wet and matted so many water droplets are gracefully dripping down his torso. He makes his way in front of me and suddenly shakes his hair, sending all the water to fly at my face.

"AH! YOU BRAT!" I wipe my face and continue to smack his arms repeatedly. He laughs and runs to the bed where he grabs pillows for defense.

"Hehehe you can't get me now," he teases with a playful smirk. I raise my hand, about to hit him but he grabs it and pulls me down. I gasp and come crashing down on top of him. I make a last final attempt to grasp my towel, trying to stop it from falling and barely succeed. I roll myself off of the boy and groan as I fall to the other side of the bed. I must've stubbed my toe against the dresser while falling.

Once I felt composed, I turned to Jungkook and sent my strongest glare in his direction. He didn't react to it at all because his eyes were occupied somewhere else. I followed his gaze and it landed to to my slightly exposed chest. I yelped and pulled my towel up in embarrassment. His face turns red and he turns around really quickly.

"I-I didn't see anything."

"Why were you looking in the first place?!"

"I- Your towel was hanging really low! How could I not see it!"

"Pervert," I grumble and turn away from him.

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