~ yoona answers pt.2 ~

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when does yoona have her period?

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when does yoona have her period?

jimin: i know the answer to that!

author: wait what, how?

jimin: because its that time every month when she is the crankiest, right? i actually have a funny story... jin-hyung told me once to get her some of the girl products stuff from her bag before we left the hotel room and i got really confused because the wrappers were all different colors, so i brought one of each color in case they were different.


jimin: hey! how was i supposed to know?! why would they package them in different colors angways? that's so confusing!

namjoon: to answer the actual question, it is usually around the-

jungkook: end of every month. noona can get really moody during her girl thing. i try to help her but ive learned that it's best to just give her food and leave her alone. she doesnt like to be touched either.

hoseok: actually, she likes to cuddle around taehyung during her period. i honestly don't know why she avoids everyone else.

taehyung: because i am her favorite😎😎

jiyoon: no, he is just the most cuddly🥺💜

author: so in conclusion, her period is at the end of every month and all the boys know about it. jimin is her emergency store runner and buys her pads/tampons when she needs them. namjoon and jin are the intellectuals and teach the boys about what to do when jiyoon is on her period. hoseok and yoongi avoid her because they are lowkey scared of cranky jiyoon. jungkook is kinda clueless but spoils her with food. taehyung is her cuddle buddy.




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