~whats tasty in Busan?~

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~wiNk wONk~

heheheh enjoy this one cuz I sure enjoyed writing it


Jiyoon POV

BTS had a little fansign in Busan today and they were pretty excited.

Seating arrangement:


(JY is Jiyoon)

Once we were all seated and our mics were ready, they began to let the fans inside. We waved to the fans and stalled a little until everything was settled.

All the fans were still talking and our staff weren't quite ready.

"What's tasty in Busan?" J-Hope asked waiting for some food suggestions. I couldn't help but giggle as my mind thought of things other than food. Where's Namjesus when you need him.

As my mind wandered, I heard the fans going crazy. I turned around to see Jungkook dying of laughter.

"Jungkookie is weiiiirrrrdddd!!!!!" Hobi says out loud. The fans started asking what Jungkook told him. Pffffft he must've said what I think he said....

"Jungkook is weirrrrdd! Ahhhh!"

I turned towards Jimin and said what I was thinking in his ear. He hit my arm as I began to laugh.

Jungkook took the mic and tried to change the subject but the fans wanted to know what he said. Jimin told Jungkook to tell him what he said and so he leaned in and whispered something in his ear.

"I'm not gonna tell you! It's  a secret between us two-" Hobi was interrupted by Jimin laughing out loud. All three of the boys began to laugh as the fans were dying to know what he said.

Jimin took the mic and began to speak for himself.

"Guys, Jungkook..."

He looked at Jungkook for a second before continuing.

"... has become an adult."

Everyone screams as Jungkook looks down and laughs. Jimin then begins to speak again.


He then looked at me. Uh oh.

"Jiyoonie needs to cleanse her mind."

I turned and punched Jimin in the shoulder as he laughed at me. Jimin stood up and told Hobi what I said and they both laughed.

"YAH!!! Yoonie!" Hobi said whilst laughing.

Jungkook tapped my shoulder signaling me to tell him what I said. I put my hands on my face covering my blush and shook my head. Jimin sat back down and continued giggling at my current state.

The fans were crazier than before at this moment. Constant shouts were heard as they tried to figure out our little whispers.

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