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"Jiyoon! Come out of your room! We have food!" Jin called from the kitchen.

I have been in bed all day. I had no clue what was wrong with me but I was feeling the worst right now. I tried to respond but my throat was hurting way too much. Everything was hurting. My stomach felt terrible, my throat was super scratchy and sore, my head was throbbing, and I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing.

I pulled the blanket around my body and closed my eyes shut and wished to feel better. It didn't help that I was on my period as well. I was super emotional and wanted to cry every time something hurt.

"Jiyoon!" Hobi shouted this time.

I didn't respond and I started to cry. Tears trickled down my cheeks as my headache got worse. I heard footsteps coming towards my door. I tried to cover myself up with more blankets but I was still really cold.

"Yoonie? Are you ok?" A small voice asked through the slightly opened door. I sniffled and began to cough again. The person gasped and made his way toward me.

"Jiyoon, how did you get sick?" Jimin asked while placing his hand on my forehead. "Oh my gosh! Your head is burning up! Jiyoon! You should've told us you weren't feeling well! I'll get some medicine for you."

He stood up and kissed my head before walking out the door. After a minute or so, Jimin came back with Jin and Namjoon.

"Jiyoonie! Oh no, you look so sick... why didn't you tell us?" Jin asked while gently helping me sit up.

"I-I didn't want to bother you guys from work..." I managed to say. He frowned and shook his head.

"Your health is way more important than practicing! Jiminie! Can you cool her head with the towel?"

Jimin nods and walks to me with the towel in his hands. He dips it in the icy water then places it on my forehead. I immediately shiver and my body tenses. I pulled the blanket towards me again but I was still freezing.

"We know that you are cold but we need to get your temperature back to normal," Namjoon tells me. "After you cool down and take medications, I think you should take a cold bath."

I nod my head and try to rest. Jin tells Jimin to stay with me then leaves with Namjoon. I begin to lie back down and sigh.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" He asks. He then proceeds to place the towel on my chest.

"F-for wasting your time.. today was our day off and you should've been taking advantage of it, not here babysitting me," I tell him. He chuckles before responding.

"Do you really think I would be able to be out having free time when you are at home all sick? I'd be worrying about you the whole day! I just want you to rest and feel better. Don't worry about me."

I smile at his response. He motions for me to sit back up and I do so. He takes a seat on the bed and places the towel on the back of my neck.

"Just leave that there for a while. Jin told me to give you two of these pills," Jimin says and hands me the medicine and a glass of water. I swallow the pills and thank him. Jimin slumped back onto the chair next to my bed and yawned.

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