~sasaeng fan~

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BTS, Choi Jiyoon, was rushed to the hospital after a dangerous encounter with a sasaeng fan this weekend. (UPDAE:) Bighit has confirmed that the tour dates would not be affected by the incident.

Based on some witness's stories, the group was traveling to a small cafe in Korea to relax and eat after after their tour but it didn't end well. The security was generally secure and were keeping fans under control but one sasaeng had managed to sneak inside the cafe.

Jiyoon had excused herself to use the restroom and apparently screaming was heard from inside. All the managers, body guards, and group members immediately rushed to the bathroom where Jiyoon was seen in the hands of a crazy sasaeng. BTS's team had managed to save her but she suffered many injuries.

Bighit has just released a statement on what had happened and assured all the fans that YooNa was alright and is currently resting. She is getting a lot of support from her friends, family, and fans.

Based on the statement, she has been bruised in many areas and may have a broken ankle. The questions of whether or not she will be able to participate in the future concerts for their Love Yourelf tour in still left unanswered. Bighit is wishing Army to send her prayers to have a nice and quick recovery.

We are sending you much love and support from the KoreaBoo Team, YooNa!



@bts_bighit: Jiyoon is safe and is now resting. She wants to thank you all for your love and prayers that are being sent her way💜 #SAN #

 She wants to thank you all for your love and prayers that are being sent her way💜 #SAN #산

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@yoonielove: Wait, who posted this?

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