~make her jealous~

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pairing: JK X JY

word count: 2017


Jungkook's POV

Since our last award show, Jiyoon wouldn't stop fangirling over Baekhyun-hyung. Everytime I would walk into our room, she would be sitting on the bed watching a compliation of him. It's actually kind of irritating. She doesn't give anyone attention and won't stop texting him either. I decided to go talk to Jin-hyung about it.


"Yeah hyung! And she always talks about him in every conversation I try to have with her."

"Whenever I talk to her, she is never on her phone. I've never even heard her talk about the show since then," Jin replies.

"What?!?!?" I ask in confusion.

"He's right," Namjoon says as he walks into the kitchen and joins us. "I guess she is only doing it around you or the rest of the maknae line."

"No, she is fine when she talks to me," Taehyung says as he joins the conversation. Where are they all coming from?!? I just wanted to talk to Jin but now everyone is gonna know.

"Huh, that's weird," Suga-hyung says as he gets off the couch. "Maybe she is just messing with you."

"Why would she mess with him?" Jimin walks over to the now gathering crowd. "Ooh maybe she's just enjoying your reaction to it."

"Ooooh! Jungkookie is getting jealous!" Hobi says and starts dancing around me. Well now I was having the conversation with everyone.

"Maybe she knows that you are getting jealous and is trying to make you irritated for fun," Jin says and continues to wash the dishes.

"Wait, so kookie is getting jealous?!?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah he isss! He wants attention from Jiyoonie!" Hobi squeals again.

"I'm not jealous!" I yell and cross my arms.

"Well then why did you come and ask Jin about it?" Namjoon asks as he helps put Jin's dishes away.

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