~ the TRUE untold storyline ~

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i'm back babes<3

a/n: hi !!! it's jina and i am BACK on wattpad ! i decided to come back to this story and edit a teensy bit of the chapters (christmas chap ending cough cough) and make a BONUS chapter. i don't want to stall you luvs for too long so i'll write more at the end of this chapter but...

the following are headcanons that pertain to the true storyline of this book (as in, no filler/unrelated chapters like the dispatch one) to possibly fill in plot holes or unanswered questions.




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choi jiyoon

- jiyoon was a reputable ballet dancer when she was young and originally dreamt of opening her own studio

- her younger brother, choi san, was not mentioned much in the story because of the fact that they both lived very busy, separate lives as idols. plus the fact that they were in different entertainment companies. they caught up with one another every now and then but it was not that common.

- jiyoon joined the group after taehyung and before jimin. she was inspired by namjoon's talent in writing and producing rap songs and her manager immediately contacted bighit.

- the idea of having a girl in an all boy band was EXTREMELY controversial and in complete utter honesty, bighit originally rejected her manager right away. after more meetings and convincing, bighit saw the opportunity to gain attention through the outrageous idea of it. it was very risky and experimental but the outcomes were great at the end of the day.
(come on, there's no other reasonable excuse to how this could've happened)

- the original plan was to purchase a separate dorm for only jiyoon to prevent tensions but it was eventually seen as unnecessary. they also did not want to isolate her completely and cause an awkward rift.

- jungkook was the first friend she made while under bighit because of their one-day separation in age.

- when they first met and became close, she truly thought of jungkook as a brother figure.

- jiyoon was actually in a relationship in the VERY early days of being a trainee (if you know, you know) he was actually her first kiss and the two started dating for a couple months. they mutually split when he moved out of the country to model and she pursued being an idol. the entire group knows about this.

- jungkook had always loved jiyoon. it started as platonic love throughout their younger days and it eventually grew to be romantic.

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