~secret bf pt 3~

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a/n: before I start....

*cough* STAN ATEEZ *cough*




The loud sound of the microwave interrupted my current thoughts. I dragged my drowsy body to the kitchen and took my ramen out of the microwave.

"Jiyoooooooon! I want someee!"

My eyes turned to my older member and I sighed. I walked towards Jimin and gave him a bite of my noodles.

"Tank chu!" He replied with his mouth stuffed.
(thank you)

I nodded my head and walked myself and the bowl to the couch. I plopped down and tried to go back to my thoughts.

What if they get mad after I tell them?

What if they stop liking BTS and its all my fault?

All the worst possible responses to me revealing who he is clouded my mind. I'm doing the right thing... right? I have talked to PD-Min before the whole situation and he had told me that it was a good idea.

Was my whole relationship just going to be an attention stunt for BTS though?

I didn't want that...

I wanted a real relationship with the man that I love without having to worry like I am right now.

"Are you still stressed about everything?" Jimin asks as he takes a seat beside me.

"Yeah... I'm so worried of how Army will react to everything," I replied and placed my ramen on the table. I lied my head on Jimin's lap and began to overthink. He gently stroked my hair, attempting to calm me.

"Please don't worry Jiyoon. I know that Army will be supportive of your relationship. No matter how hurt some of them may be, they should and will be happy for you. That's what the real fans are for."

I shift my body and turn my head so I am now looking directly at him. He laughs at my sudden change of pose and boops my nose.

"I guess you are right, Army will be there to support me. I should stay confident ," I say with a smile. He smiles as well and kisses my forehead.

"That's a good idea, stay confident."

I sat back up and Jimin excuses himself to go get ready. I let his words replay in my mind to help soothe me.

No matter how hurt some of them may be, they should and will be happy for you....

I took a deep breath and picked up my food again to finish it.

Once I was done, I cleaned up and walked back to my bedroom. I carefully closed the door to not wake up my roommate and our extra guest.

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