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Jiyoon's POV

Today we had another fan sign in our schedule. I had just come back from a little breakfast date with the rest of the maknae line and I can't stop thinking about food. Ughhhhhhh....

• NJ / J / JM / YG / TH / JY / JK / HS •

I was in between Taehyung and Jungkook and decided to make the time pass quicker by talking to Tae.

"Taehyung-hyungggg, when are the fans gonna start lining up?" I ask in a bored tone. I have been sitting here for at least an hour and we haven't even done anything.

"I don't know. I don't think the staff is ready," he replies. I sigh and lay my head on the table.

As I was resting, someone kept poking the side of my stomach. I don't bother to look up but swat his hand away. Unfortunately, he does not stop.

"What do you wannnntttt?" I whine out and look at the maknae.

"I'm bored."

"Why can't you bother Hobi-hyung?"

"Because you are more fun to annoy!" He answers with a smile. He starts to tickle me and I can't help but laugh.

"Jungkoook! Stop itttt!"

He continued to torture me so I stand up from my chair and run to Yoongi.

"Ahhh Yoongi-hyung, Jungkook keeps bothering me."

He looks at me squatting behind his chair and looks back at the maknae. He turned his chair completely around and looked at me before standing up and moving to my spot.

"There, just sit in my spot. I'll sit next to Jungkook."

I thank him and stick my tongue out at Kookie.

•••new seats•••

• NJ / J / JM / JY / TH / YG / JK / HS •

"BANGTAN! The fans are going to start coming to you right about now. Get ready," a staff member says. We all straighten up and get ready for the fans.

The first fan runs through the door and sits in the chair in front of Hobi. She talks to all the members until finally reaching me.

"Jiyoon-unnie!! You are so pretty!"

"Aww thank you! You are so cute! What is your name?" I respond with a smile.

"Choi Hyun-min! We have the same surname!"

"Wow! That's so cool! You have a very pretty name," I respond to the little girl. She looked at least 7 years old.

"Here unnie! I brought you these white kittie ears! I gave Yoongi-oopa a pair of black ones so now you two can twin!"

She reaches over and places the ears on my head. I glance at Yoongi and laugh. He actually looked like a cat.

"Awh hahaha! That is very kind of you Hyun-min!"

"And unnie... don't tell anyone but you are my favorite member of BTS hehehe!" She giggles.

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