~new year~

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"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"

"Happy new year!!!!!"

We all cheered after the clock struck 12. I smiled and clinked my glass with Jin's.

"Wow! I can't believe it's 2019" I told my older friend. "Thank you for being there for me in 2018 Jin oppa."

"Oh wow! You are finally using your manners for once!" He teased.

"It's my new year's resolution... oppa!"

"Aish, I'm gonna have to get used to that."

I laughed with him and we both took a sip of our drinks. Everyone turned their attentions to the tv where we saw fireworks.

"It's so pretty!" I said, amazed by the colors. I leaned my head on Jin's broad shoulder and smiled.

"I love you Jiyoonie," he told me as he gently played with my hair.

"I love you too Jin oppa."


It was New Year's Eve and I was in the living room talking with Jimin.

"Hey, where is Namjoon?" I asked him.

"I think he was in his room. I told him to come out and have fun but he said that he had to finish something."

I frowned and excused myself. I made my way to Namjoon's room and knocked on the door. I heard his voice from inside letting me in so I walked inside.

"Namjoonieee! Why aren't you hanging out with us?" I asked with a pout. I walked towards his desk and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm trying to finish this song I'm writing. I only have to finish th-"

"No!" I interrupted. "It's New Year's Eve! You can work on that tomorrow! Today, you have to come out and have fun!"

He sighed, "Jiyoonie, I have to finish my work."

I huffed and spun his chair around so he was facing me. I crouched down and stuck out my lower lip and gave puppy eyes.


He smiled and stretched his arms before standing up.

"Ah, you just had to use your charm huh?" He said with a laugh. He ruffled my hair.

"Yay!" I celebrated. I was about to say something until many cheers were heard from the main room. I looked at my watch and saw that it had just hit 12.

"Oh my gosh! It's 2019! Happy new year oppa!" I jumped up and hugged Namjoon.

"It's already 12?! I'm sorry that you missed he countdown because of me Jiyoonie.."

"No, it's alright! Now come on! The party is just starting now! Let's go dance!" I grabbed his hand and led him out the door.

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