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(ngl, sEJiN iS sEcREtly mY uLt biAS😫)

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(ngl, sEJiN iS sEcREtly mY uLt biAS😫)



(cute YooNa and manager Sejin moments♥️)

word count: 653


Being the only female in the group, the members and staff are often very protective of her. Their manager, Sejin, is usually in charge of keeping the members in line and making sure that they are ok. Jiyoon had once said on an episode of Weekly Idol that Sejin has been her father figure since moving away from her family.


• one day when BTS was returning back home at the airport, they had some difficulty getting through to their car. there was some problems apparently retrieving a lost passport when a couple of the members had already left the plane. because of this, yoona and jungkook had to wait for the rest of the group with sejin until the passport was retrieved. some fans were violently fighting and pushing through security causing danger for the idols. sejin had to take extra precautions to get the two out and managed to push jungkook and yoona out before the fans were too close. eventually, the rest of the members and staff returned and they safely made it out of the airport through a back exit.

• on an old bangtan bomb, the members were preparing for a snack time. as the bangtan members started flowing into the room, jiyoon had immediately plopped onto the couch alongside jimin and rested her head on his shoulder from exhaustion. a little bit later, the camera cut to manager sejin walking into the room with bags full of snacks for the group. he had announced that he also got special snacks for jiyoon because of her food allergies (this was the first ever mention that she had allergies). jiyoon smiled and was about to get up to grab some food but sejin told her to keep resting and handed her the food instead. this was when jimin had persisted that their manger sat down with them. the video cut to a few minutes later to a hysterical taehyung and jungkook. they were laughing and turned the camera to show why. they were apparently laughing at jiyoon and jimin who fell asleep on either side of their manager, ultimately trapping him.

bangtan had finally finished their tour dates in korea and had arrived in japan for upcoming concerts. while walking through the airport, fans noticed sejin and jiyoon's cute interactions. jiyoon looked like an ant as she was holding onto sejin's arm. there were also a few moments where army noticed jin teasing her about looking tiny next to their manger as they navigated themselves through the large airport. because of this, she had begun to stand on her tip toes, attempting to look taller. sejin visibly laughs at jiyoon before scolding jin for teasing her.

• bts was in california for the 2019 billboard music awards. they were bombarded with cameras and questions while on the red carpet so they had to be empty handed as they walked around. sejin, being the great manager he is, held all the members' drinks and bags while they were in the spotlight. there was a little moment that fans caught when jiyoon was talking to hoseok and yoongi. sejin had noticed that a few of the members hadn't drank any of their water yet so he took it upon his responsibility to make sure they were hydrated. jiyoon started to hug hobi and sejin took the opportunity to sneak behind hobi and put the drink in front of jiyoon. she laughed at her manager's antics but took a sip of the drink anyways.


is it possible to get bias wrecked by a group's manager?

wELL, iF sO, tHEn sEJiN caN hMu!

(jk, ill only stan him if his toes are clean)

AND SHOUTOUT TO AraElenova BECAUSE THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO HER! WOOHOO! Also, check out her stories for me <3




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