~tension escalator~

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The many shouts and cheers from the crowd were clearly heard after we had started talking on stage. The staff members had already explained what we would be playing today and I really didn't know what to expect.

"Let's go to our next mission!"

The fans oohed and ahhed at the statement and awaited the host's next mission.

"The next mission? BTS Tension Escalator!"

Cheering erupted through the crowd as the three bold words appeared on the screen behind us. I cheered with the fans and smiled when Jimin came from behind me to hug me. We gave a little bit of fan service to the camera before continuing to listen about the mission.

"It's quite simple! Each member will do an act in front of another member to bring out higher tension in the audience. So in the end, the last member should bring the most tension."

(the term tension is basically just referring to cheers)

"Ohhh! Ok we understand."

"Yeah! We got it!"

"You should do it manly! It will bring the tension higher!" The host tells us.

"Hey! What about me?" I ask with a teasing smile. Jimin flicks my shoulder earning a giggle from the crowd.

"You can be manly too Jiyoon," he responds. I laugh and give an "okay sign" to signal that I got it.

"I wanna go first!" Yoongi says with an arm raised.

"Let's decider the order."

"Yah, let's just go from eldest to youngest," Jimin suggests, beginning to stand by Taehyung and Hobi.

"I'll just stay at the end," I answer and fall back behind Jungkook. The other members nod and begin to go in their places.


Hobi stood beside Jimin just because he decided to stay where he was originally. Once he game begun, Jin stepped towards Yoongi.

He then pushes his arm out beside his head, making Yoongi to look away from Jin, probably being uncomfortable. I stand by Jungkook and laugh at the two's gestures. The crowd cheers a bit, starting the escalator.

Next was Yoongi's turn. He does the same as before but instead moves a bit closer than Jin did to him. Namjoon didn't seem affected much and just smiled. Ever slightly, the cheering got a bit louder.

When Namjoon's turn came, he placed his arm on Hobi. Hobi made a shocked face as Namjoon then hugged his neck at a safe distance. The tension from the audience jumped from the interaction. Jimin began to run off towards Taehyung when Hobi's turn approached.

"Yah! Come a little closer!" Hobi says after laughing at him. He then points to a spot and Jimin shyly makes his way towards his hyung.

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