~ idol games pt 2~

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Everyone clapped as Jimin got the point. After all, they had two contests left which would choose more than one winners.

"Good job Jimin, now lets introduce the next challenge," the host started. "We have the blush challenge!

"Yes, but sadly, we don't have enough time for the next two challenges is you will have to catch us next episode on IDOL GAMES!!!"


"We are back!!!"

Everyone clapped as the next episode of Idol Games started. Although Jiyoon smiled, she was not necessarily excited about the next challenges. There was a "Blush Challenge" and a surprise one that nobody would tell her.

"Now that we are back on, we will start the Blush Challenge!" The host exclaimed. "The order will be Jackson, Jae, Mark, Baekhyun, Jimin, and Jungkook."

The boys all lined up and Jiyoon tried to compose herself. She though that this was going to be absolutely atrocious. Six strikingly handsome dudes would all get to do whatever they want to make her blush.

She wasn't ready.

Jackson was first so he made his way up to the girl and smiled. She smiled back and awaited until the game started.

"Ready!!! Three! Two! One! Go!"

He looked her straight in her eye and gently stroked the side of her face. Jiyoon took a deep breath and forced herself to not make a reaction, although her friend being super close was very strange.

Jackson doesn't want to lose so he trails his fingers to her chin where he pulls her face closer. He leans in all the way until their noses were touching. She couldn't control it any more and a small hint of pink laced her cheeks. Jackson pulled away and started celebrating.

"Ahhhhaa!!! I got youuuu!" He exclaims as he dances around the flustered girl. Jiyoon laughs and smacks her friend's shoulder, stopping his cheering.

"Yay! That's one point for Jackson!" The host announces. "But next up, we have Jae!"

Jae hesitantly made his way towards Jiyoon and tried his best not to laugh at Jiyoon's face. She was also on the verge of laughing and had her lips pursed really tightly.

"I like your new heels," Jae tells her with a smile. She laughs a bit and nods her head with a small "thank you."

"Uhhh, you're hair are really pretty. Your bangs really make you look so cute,"

"You like my hair?" She asks with a giggle. "Gee thanks."

An awkwardly hilarious moment of silence is shared before Jae finally breaks out of his character and falls out laughing for no reason. Jiyoon does the same as she watches him.

"Wow, that was pretty strange huh?" The host says as he begins to laugh at them as well.

"That's so weird! How do you guys just stand here and serenade her like that? I can't take it seriously," Jae says while still cracking up.

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