~new roomates~

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Jiyoon's POV

"Get out of bed guys!!! Let's gather in the living room everyone! We need to pick new roommates now!"

I groaned and stayed on my bed. I pulled my blanket over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

"You two! Wake uppp!"

"Do we have tooooo?" I asked Namjoon with a pout. "I don't wanna leave Jungkookie!"

Jungkook lied on the other side of the bed with his phone in his hands. I rolled towards him and snuggled to his side.

"We already talked about this Jiyoon," he replied.

"Can we just stay hereeeee?" Jungkook asked the older hyung. Namjoon shook his head and pulled the both of us off the bed and onto the ground. I huffed and made my way to a couch, waiting for the live to start.

"Hi army!!! Today.... we are finally switching roommates!" Jin started. "Yah! Everyone are you excited?"

Nobody responded but Jin continued talking.

"Alright, we have everyone's name in this hat and 4 people will pick out a name in this hat and they will be our new roommate!"

"Who is going to go first?" I asked and sat up, inspecting the hat.

"We play rock, paper, scissors to decide," Yoongi answered. I nodded and we began to see who was gonna be the special 4.


After a long while of playing rock, paper, scissors, we finally ended up with four people.

Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jin would get to pick out of the hat.

"Taehyungie! You go first," Hobi called from the other couch. Tae nodded and made his way to the hat.

"Ahhh! I'm scared to pick!" He said while laughing. He intensely stared at the hat before reaching in and pulling out a slip of paper.

"HOBI-HYUNG!!!!!" He yelled. Hobi jumped up and squealed and they shared a quick moment of bromance before settling down.

Yoongi's turn was up and he reached into the hat. He grabbed a slip of paper and opened it up.

"Namjoon!" He exclaimed with a cute gummy smile. Namjoon cheered and gave him a high-five. They started talking for a bit and I decided to rest my head on Jungkook while we were waiting.

"Ah hold on! Let's read some comments real quick," Jin said. "Hmmmm... haha! This one says that Hobi and Tae are gonna be really loud roommates. Wow... a lot of them are saying that it's gonna be weird if the maknaes aren't sharing rooms anymore."

Everyone turned their attention to the two of us who were half asleep. I yawned and sat back up straight.

"Jiminieee, pick your slip now! I wanna go to sleep," I told him.

"Jiyoonieee, you have to start using your manners soon!" Jin scolded me. I rolled my eyes and started over.

"I'm sorry Jimin-oppa, can you pick your slip now?" I asked. Jimin looked at me weird before laughing.

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