1-My Life

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Hey, thanks for reading my trash, I hope you like it. This is probably gonna punch you in the feels. I decided I wanted him to go to high school for senior year, and show everybody up. I tried to write this in present tense, but I gave up. If you like this story, check out my other one called 'Agent Benjamin Ripley" 

My name is Ben. I was seventeen, and I had just started my last year in Spy School. We had defeated SPYDER the year before, saving the CIA in the process. Murray, Ashley, and Warren had been killed in the last fight, a missile blowing up their headquarters. Poetic justice, if I do say myself.  Erica and I had started dating after that. 

I was something like a legend around school, being a national hero and whatnot. I don't like to brag though, that gets you nowhere. While I'm no longer that "skinny little twerp", as Mike so nicely puts it, I'm not exactly bulky with muscle, but more slim, like a swimmer. The school year had just begun, and I was really excited for my new classes. 

"Hey, Ben!" Zoe's voice called out to me. I turned around, smiling at my best friend. We chatted for a while, heading to class with Professor Crandall, my favorite class. We sat down, and after fifteen minutes of boring lecturing, he barked out my name and told me to come down. 

"I'm going to be demonstrating pressure points with my lovely assistant, Benjamin here." I struck a pose, making the lethargic class laugh. The old man pushed a point on my back, and then another, and a blinding pain overcame me. 

I heard loud beeping, and opened my eyes to bright lights and a voice yelling. 


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