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"What do you mean I've been in a coma for 5 years! That's not possible! Was I struck by lighting or something?!" I yelled, hysterical. If this was true, that meant the life I had been living, or at least, thought I had been living, wasn't real. That meant Erica wasn't real. If Erica wasn't real... I... I don't know what I would do... I ran away and face myself in the mirror. 

"Lightning... gave me... abs?" I said, staring in the mirror. I had my dream physique, and instead of looking like a psycho in the hospital shorts, I looked like a Hollister model. My brown hair was messed up, and my eyes were wild. (AHHHHH DA FLASH!)

"Ben, we were in a car crash when you were twelve. You were hit on the head, and you've been in a coma ever since. It's July 14." I turned to my dad. He looked older then the last time I had seen him. I ran towards him, enveloping him in a hug, and noticed with a shock, that I was taller than him by three inches. If my dad was 5' 11", that meant I was 6' 3"? That wasn't possible. The nurses escorted me back in the room. 

Tests were performed on me, but I barely noticed. I was too busy thinking. If it was all a dream, that meant SPYDER wasn't real. That meant that I never got the medal of freedom from the president, I never foiled SPYDER's plans, and... worst of all, my friends didn't exist. All the people I knew. Zoe, Chip, Hank, Claire, Jawa, Alexander, Cyrus, Murray, Ashley, Warren... All fake. All of them did not exist. 

"Hey, buddy. We have someone here to see you." My dad escorted a dirty-blonde haired boy into the room. (There's no physical description from the books or the wiki so I made one up lol)

"Ben? Is that you?" The boy said, shock evident on his face. We embraced in a bro hug. It was good to see Mike again. I grinned when I realized that I was taller than him by at least two inches.

"Yeah, Mike. It's me, at least, I think. I don't really trust anything anymore." Mike looked me up and down. My parents smiled and left the room in order to give us time to reunite.

"Daaanng boyyyy! Puberty did good things to you! How are you so jacked?! You've been sleeping for five years! Give me some of those steroids, I need 'em!" I laughed as Mike joked around. I stopped, sobering when I remembered that in my 'dream', Mike had joined Spy School too, and had started dating Zoe.

"I'll catch you up on what's happened so far."

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