14- Mike arrives

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Hey guys! OML, HOLY FORKING SHATBALLS, FREAKING 1,300 VIEWS?! WTAF YOU GUYS?! THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is what I was listening to when I was writing this! This chapter is going to be as long as I can make it.

That day was a day I'll remember forever. It was the day after my first teaching day. Turns out, the big shots assigned me to all of Mike was arriving at the academy, and I was supposed to be one of the guys who tested Mike. He arrived, and I heard his yells echoing through the halls. I chuckled to myself and then sobered when I realized that the thing I was remembering wasn't real. A stoic facade fell over my face, and I snuck around the corner. 

Mike was quickly approaching. The plan was for me to catch him in my school clothes and try to get him to the principal's office after taking out the ninjas to gain his trust again. I cased the area quickly, and I spotted something I didn't expect to see. It was Joshua Hallal, sitting cross-legged in the hallway, a phone in his hand. He seemed to be talking to it. I was so distracted by him that I didn't notice Mike running into me. 

"Ben!" He exclaimed, his face red. I internally smirked at how out of breath he was. 

"What's up, man?"

"Ninjas.... After me..." He panted, his hands on his knees. I nodded at him, and headed over to the entrance to the corridor. 

"Ben, are you crazy?! Did you not hear me? Possibly lethal ninjas? Heading our way?" 

"You underestimate my power." I grinned at him. Now was the perfect time to make a pop culture reference. 

"Don't try it! Are you nuts!" Mike exclaimed. (Anyone get it? Tell me what movie each are from and I'll add one of your OCs!) I turned back to the entrance. The 'ninja' appeared, and I made quick work of him. I turned around and saw Mike staring at me with a gaping mouth. 

"How many more?" I dusted off my shoulder for show. Mike stuttered at me, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair. A petite girl with auburn hair and stunning green eyes ran around the corner. She stopped right in front of us. 

"Chloe?" Mike exclaimed. "What the heck is going on here?" 

"Oh... Hey, Mike. Um, Ben. We need you in the office. Code 237. Bring him." She gestured to Mike and I cocked my eyebrow at the 'Code 237' bit. It was just a red herring to make Mike excited. Her name really was Chloe. Catherine had apparently gotten her name wrong when she was telling me the stories. 

"Yes, sir." I mock saluted. Chloe snorted. Grabbing Mike's t-shirt, I dragged him down the hallway. 

"What's going on?" We entered the principal's office, and Mr. Sidebottom made his dramatic chair swivel, almost falling over. 

"Mike, meet the principal." Both of them were staring at me. I consciously brushed my hair back, and adjusted my suit. I wanted to looked like a spy. Mike turned his attention back to the principal, who was looking at me with a helpless expression. I sighed, and logged into his computer and showed him his email. 

"Oh, yes. Very good, Ripley." The meeting was painful, and I was assigned to show Mike his room. 



"I can't believe you didn't tell me that you're a student here too!" 

"Mike, I-" He cut across my excuse of I wasn't a student, and even if I was, I couldn't tell him.

"I can't believe that we're gonna be spies together! I wonder if we have any classes together! Do you know?" We had arrived at my door. 

"Come on in and sit down, I need to tell you something." We went into my room and I sat down on the chair while Mike took the bed. 

"I'm not a student."


"I'm a teacher. You need a teacher."('NOTHER REFERENCE! SAME DEAL!)

"WHAT?! Ben, what are you talking about? You're only 17 and you've been in a coma for 5 years!" I opened my mouth to explain but closed it and smirked. Erica was behind the door, listening in. I opened it and she fell flat on her face. 

"Maybe Miss Hale can explain." She glared up at me, but with years of practice, I didn't flinch. Wait, was Erica blushing? Her face was a light pink. Maybe it was cause she was embarrassed that she fell for falling on the floor. Yeah, that was it. She couldn't possibly be blushing because of me, could she?

"Sasha?" Mike's eyes were wide. I held my hand out and pulled Erica up. She dusted herself off, her face a little pinker. 

"It's actually Erica." 

"What?! Ben, explain what's going on!"

"You're at the academy. The girl you knew as Sasha is actually Erica here. I'm a teacher here, and you're been recruited into the CIA." Mike put his head in his hands, and it sounded like he was muttering something like 'Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into.' I sat down on the bed next to him and patted his back. 

"Hey, it's okay. You were recruited for a reason, right? I know you. One of your strengths is thinking outside of the box. Use that to your advantage."

"Let the past die." I muttered to him. "Kill it if you have to. It's the only way to become what you were meant to be." (SERIOUSLY, HOW HAVE YOU NOT GOTTEN IT BY NOW?!) He rolled his eyes at me. 

"Way to not be dramatic."

"You know me." 

"I'm starting to think that I don't really." I ignored that comment and turned to the blushing agent Hale.

"You wanted something, Miss Hale?" She seemed flustered for a bit.

"Well, um. I-I-I-I, uh, w-w-w-wanted to, uh, t-t-t-talk to you about s-s-s-something?" I cocked an eyebrow and she blushed even more. 

"Just give me a half-an-hour." She nodded and left the room. 


What was wrong with me? I could barely even talk around this guy! I headed over to his room. Josh had recently been distant. He had been sneaking around, and he was never around anymore. I didn't know what to think. I thought I knew Josh, but now I was starting to think that he had betrayed us to the other side. 

What was Ben making me feel? I was confounded around him, and how I could only stutter. He seemed like he knew me inside and out. I mean, I wasn't that good of a spy. I was actually a disappointment. My parents were the cream of the crop. When I graduated, my granddad told me that he loved me, but I needed to get my butt into gear to keep the family name respectable. Ben seemed to be the perfect agent and I was more than a little suspicious that my parents knew him. I was passing by a hallway when I heard hushed voices arguing. 

"No, Alexander, I don't trust the boy!"

"But, Catherine-"

"Don't you 'But, Catherine," me. I do not approve of that boy." 

Ah, so it was my parents. I wondered what they were arguing about. Maybe it was Ben?

"Josh is good for Erica."

"No, he is not. He's a lazy good for nothing. We both know what that experiment means to the CIA and who she's supposed to be with."

My mom's normally calming British accent was tinged with anger, but I could only ponder one thing. Why did they think Josh wasn't good enough for me, and what did they mean by experiment?

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