2-The bright lights

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A bright light was shone in my face. I squinted, trying to see where I was. Was I captured by enemies? Was this another pop quiz from the school? They do those a lot. You get 'kidnapped' and you have to fight your way out. Squinting, I grabbed the closest hand to my face, and flipped the person. I heard a grunt as they hit the floor. 

"Ben! Get the lights out of his face! Ben! Snap out of it!" A voice said, holding my face. My eyes focused, and I saw the face of my mom in front of me. I smiled, and engulfed her with a hug. 

"Mom!" I said, and she started crying on my shoulder. My dad walked into the room too, and we sat on the bed, crying together. 

"What happened? Is everyone okay?" I asked, my eyes wide as the thoughts of my friends: Zoe, Mike, Chip, Jawa, Tina, Hank, Claire, Alexander, Cyrus- I wouldn't necessarily count him as a friend, but he's nicer- and Erica. 

"What do you mean everyone?" My parents shared a small confused look.

"My friends at Spy- St. Smithen's, are they okay?" I cursed myself for almost saying spy school. 

"What's St. Smithen's? Ben. Are you feeling okay?" My dad looked at me cautiously. I was confused. How could they not know what St. Smithen's was? It was the cover for Spy School, a pretend prestigious science academy.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm okay! Is this a joke? I've been going to St. Smithen's since I was twelve." My parents shared that one look parents do when they know something you don't.

"Ben... St. Smithen's doesn't exist, and you haven't been going there for five years." I was confused. Were they playing a joke on me? Did they find out about my secret? 

"You've been in a coma for five years, baby." My mom said, rubbing my leg as I passed out in shock. 

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