28-Meeting Murray

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#1 in Spy School?! You guys are the best!

The assassin's hand reached toward the closet. I stifled a gasp and reached toward my knife. I couldn't use a gun in close quarters. People could get hurt and Ben and I hadn't practised shooting. I had figured out that I was deadly with a dagger. 

"Come out, come out," The executioner sang. He sounded strangely familiar. I narrowed my eyes and glanced down at Mike. Blood was draining out of his face at an alarming rate, and he was paler than some of the first years who heard a gun for the first time. 

I prayed to whoever was watching, and thankfully, those prayers were answered. 

"Hey!" A male voice called out, and there was a scuffle. I peered out and saw that the assassin was being pushed up against the wall by his throat. The assassin began to choke. Ben's words echoed in my head. (Pay attention to who he said this to! Big foreshadowing!) 'Cadaver studies have shown it takes a range of 840 to 1500 N to cause the C2 vertebrae to be fractured. If you don't know what that means, it means it takes about 1250 foot-pounds of torque to break a man's neck.' But was my saviour who I thought it was? The man had the intruder pined up against the wall, growling. The assassin finally passed out from fright, and I rushed out of the closet.

"Ben?" I croaked. The man turned around and I nearly sighed. It wasn't Ben. It was Nefarious, but he had saved me. Now I needed to save Ben. We carried Mike to the infirmary, and he was hooked up to some machines. When we got back to the room, the assassin had vanished. I cursed. I placed caution tape around the entrance to the room and stationed Nefie at the entrance. I couldn't risk anyone coming in to clean it up and ruin the evidence. 

30 minutes later, I was at the CIA headquarters, heading to the office of Murray Hill. He was in charge of some odd division that had only been added a year before his graduation. I couldn't recall the name of it. I had disguised myself with a blonde wig, lots of makeup, and I was chewing gum. My outfit was that of a secretary, and I was holding folders.  Ben had told me that sometimes hiding in plain sight and just changing how you act fools a lot of people. 

I snuck into the office, smiling at the front desk man, but making sure to hide my face from any cameras. I then easily waltzed into the control room and set the camera's in Murray's hallway to a static photo. Smirking victoriously, (check the song above!) I practically pranced out of the room and walked up to Murray's office. He was in there, singing badly to opera. 

"Mr. Hill?" I knocked on the door and called loudly in a thick Chicago accent. He jolted and shouted back. 

"Come in, Jenny!" Murray called. Hook, line, and sinker. I walked in. He wasn't even paying attention, just playing around with a bunch of legos. 

"Place the papers on my briefcase, will you?" I nearly scoffed and threw them in his face, but I complied, regaining my composure. 

"Oh, and Jenny? Get me a coffee. Just the way I like it." He said this in a way that he obviously thought was attractive, smirking. This time, I coughed. There was no kindness in his words. He was ordering me around. Murray looked up. 

"You're not Jenny..." He slowly realised. I tore off my wig, and judo flipped him. He fell down on the floor, and I said this, smirking victoriously. This man had to be a Spyder agent. 

"Godamn right I'm not Jenny." I grabbed the collar of his shirt and hauled him up to look at me. 

"And you're going to tell me everything you know about this organization you're apart of."

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