18-Truth or dare

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Okay, so from now on, I'm going to update my Spy School stories every Sunday. This was recommended by 7Groot7Panda7 (I think. I could be wrong. I can't find it anymore)

"Okay, 'Oh great one', what do I need?" I deadpanned, waving his hands in the air. 

"A good game of truth or dare." It was a Saturday night, and Mike called up Chloe. 

"Hey, Chlo."

Mike began an amicable conversation with the girl on the other line, blushing at certain parts. 

"You want to come over for a game of truth or dare? Ben's room. Yeah, you can bring other people. Oh, just me, Ben and Erica. Okay! See you soon!"

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

I mimed blushing and fanning his face. I then mimicked Mike's voice, dropping my own down an octave. 

"Hey, Chlo. Okay! See you soon! I'm Mike and I loooove you, Chloe." (Me when my friends talk to guys lol) Mike was turning bright red and I cackled. Revenge! Fifteen minutes passed with Mike and I scrounging together snacks, and arranging the seating. 

"Oh! I forgot to call Erica!"

"Yeah, Lover boy. You 'forgot' to call her, uh huh." I sighed, and got out my phone. It rang for about 3 cycles before she picked up. 

"Hey. Um, Erica?" There was a light scuffle on the other end, and I heard Erica's voice sleepily responding. 


"Mike wanted me to invite you over to my place for a game of truth or dare?" 

"Who are you talking to?" Joshua's voice echoed into the phone, and I winced at the feedback. I could hear Mike giggling as he set up the chairs. It sounded like that hamster game the Principal played. 

"It's Ben. He's inviting me and a couple of friends over for a get together."

"Fine. Tell him I say hi." I could hear the smirk in his cold voice. 

"I'll be there in a bit, just give me 15 minutes."

10 minutes later, a knock sounded at the door. I stood up, and opened the door cautiously. It was Chloe with two familiar guys. They came in and 

"Warren Reeves." I nodded to him, and he looked shocked. Chloe gave him a look like 'Don't question it.'

"So, you're the 'super spy' that Chloe keeps telling us about?" You could hear the hatred in his voice.

"Nah, maybe you're thinking about my buddy, Mike. I'm the new teacher." He cocked an eyebrow. 'Always easy to read, Warren.'

"And your friend?" The other guy looked up, and I almost gasped. My face betrayed no emotion, except for a slight raising of the eyebrows. I stuck out my hand. Standing in front of me was a tall, buff, tan, and handsome version of the Nefarious Jones I thought existed. 

"Nefarious Jones. A pleasure." He nodded, confirming my statement, and shook my hand. The hand I had always seen clutching a video game controller with rigor was rough, large and strong. We walked in, and they all started chatting, Warren giving Mike and Chloe jealous looks. I nearly started laughing, and I probably would have if I wasn't so shocked. 

"So, uh, Nefarious."


"You have a girlfriend?"

He nodded, and smiled.

"Her name's Ashley." I nearly fell off my chair. I had a feeling that wouldn't stop soon. 

"As in Ashley Sparks?" I schooled my face into indifference.

"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm a spy." 

Before Nefarious could ask me anymore questions, someone knocked at the door. I opened it, and Erica practically fell in.

"You really should stop listening at my door." I quipped, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Okay! Everyone's here!" Mike announced. "Let the games begin! Does anyone volunteer?"

No one stepped up, looking around at everyone else with thinly-veiled concern. I raised my hand. We were doing spin-the-bottle Truth or dare. A person would spin the bottle, and the person the bottle landed on was asked the question. 

"I volunteer. I volunteer as tribute." (SUFFER) Mike smirked, and I span the bottle around. It landed on Chloe.

"Chloe, truth or dare."

"Dare! I'm not a sissy!"

I smirked. She had fallen right into my trap. 

"Fine. I dare you to..." I built up the tension. "Sit in Mike's lap until you get chosen again, and end every sentence with 'in my pants'." She groaned, but sat down on Mike, their faces bright red. 

"I'm spinning...." I gave her a glare. "In my pants."

She spun the bottle, and it landed on Nefarious.

"Nefie! In my pants!" She squealed. Nefarious groaned. 


"What were you like before you came to the CIA? In my pants."

Nefarious looked awkward, and scratched his neck awkwardly.

"I was a nerd. An ugly one." He looked ashamed. I pat him on the back. 

"You should have seen me when I was 12, dude. Don't feel bad." Nefarious looked heartened, and spun the bottle. It landed on Warren. 

"Truth." He moaned.

"Uhhhh... Do you hate your nickname?"

"Yes." Warren spun the bottle, and it landed on me. He seemed to grin evilly.

"Alright, pretty boy," He began, and I knew I was screwed. 

"Show us a photo of you when you were younger." He grinned, and I remembered my previous words. Cursing inwardly, I kept my calm facade up, and pulled out my phone.

"Alright." I pulled out my phone, and found a photo of me and Mike when we were 11 on Halloween. We had dressed up as James Bond and Goldfinger. Mike was wearing a tweed suit with a yellow plaid vest. I was wearing a suit, my glasses askew on my nose. I snorted, and the photo was passed around. 

"Awwww, Mike! Y'all are so cute! In my pants!" Chloe squealed. Mike blushed when he saw that photo, and glared at me. I shrugged like 'First one I saw, buddy'. Warren clenched his jaw. I spun the bottle and it landed on Erica. 

"Dare." She said, looking confident. 

"I dare you to sing the goldfinger theme loudly in front of the principal's apartment." She paled and we all snickered. She made to stand up, but the door banged open, and wind rushed into the apartment. A dark figure stood in front of the opening. 

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