5-The Lab Partner (p.1)

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I walked into my science class, my last class of the day, and sat down next to Mike. The teacher announced that there would be a seating chart. Everyone groaned at the strict elderly man in the front who passed out a sheet of rules. I read them over quickly, and they were the usual thing. Noticing these girls in front of her were having a conversation, I made the split second decision to eavesdrop. 

"I hope I get the new hottie." One of the girls said. I recognized her as Kate, one of Elizabeth Pasternak's friends from sixth grade. She had gotten prettier, with long blonde hair, but she could never compare to the girl of my literal dreams. Kate wasn't one of those girls who wore skimpy clothing or pounds and pounds of makeup, she was just naturally pretty. I exhaled slowly, thinking of Erica again, and slumped in my seat. Mike slapped me on the shoulder. 

"Cheer up, buddy! It's the last class of the day!" He whispered, and I smiled. It was good knowing someone that was in my dream, even if they didn't know they were in it. If only Zoe was here to straighten him out. She was always there to keep him calm, or keep his thinking logical. Mike rarely noticed there was a box in the first place, but sometimes he moved so far away from the box, his ideas didn't make sense. 

"As if, Kate! He's totally gonna be with me, and we'll fall in love." The other girl sighed wistfully. I didn't recognize her, so I quickly went back to my work as they continued to gossip. I looked up at the teacher, and narrowed my eyes. He had a shock of white hair on his head, looked to be about mid-seventies, and gave off an air... sort of like Professor Crandall. He wasn't Crandall, though. 

All of a sudden, a teenage girl burst into the classroom. I didn't see her face, but she was tall, had brown hair, and was clutching a blue note. She wasn't panting, but looked like she had been jogging. My trained eyes picked up on the fact that her shoes were Nike Zoom Rival waffle shoes-women, probably meaning she did cross country, which would explain why she wasn't out of breath from running from the principal's office. 

"No matter, dear. Please sit in the front." Our teacher said, before turning to the rest of the class.

"Hello, class, my name is Mr. Suryc (yes, it's Cyrus backwards, so creative, aren't I?) and I will be your AP physics teacher this year. I will be assigning desks to you, and the other person at your desk will be your lab partner for the year." He picked up a paper, and I could have sworn I saw the flash a hilt of a pocket knife in his pants. The teacher began to drone out names.

"Kate will be with... Jacin, Jennifer will be with Kai." The two girls in front of me huffed, and went off to their respective desks. To be frank, which I'm not, 'cause my name is Ben, I was relieved. I wouldn't have to deal with those girls flirting with me all year, at least in science, that is. 

"Scarlett will be with Ze'ev..." A girl with bright red hair and hoodie sat down next to a giant tan boy with several tattoos. (LUNAR CHRONICLES, WOOOHOOOO!) I zoned out after the first three or so pairings, waking up only when Mr. S called Mike's name. 

"Mike Brezenski will be with... eh, Zoe, is it?" He turned toward a girl with auburn hair a desk behind us. I faced her, nearly gasping when I saw her similarities to my Zoe. 

"Chloe, sir." She smiled, and went over to the desk with Mike. 

"Last but not least, there will be... Benjamin Ripley, and uh, Sasha Beyl." I moved to the last desk in the classroom, setting down my books after the girl sitting next to me. 

"Hey, I'm Ben, and you must be Sash..." I stopped mid-sentence when she looked at me, my mouth agape. Sitting in front of me was the clone of Erica Hale. 

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