27-The Assassin

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Chloe had finally left. We had walked back to my apartment. Just out of suspicions, I hadn't let her touch anything. I didn't want her to bug anything. I scanned myself and found one on the shoulder of my dress. Now that I had thought about it, I checked Ben's room for a bug. 

I ran over and checked over every inch of the apartment. In total, I found 12 little black dots on frames, in the fridge. You name it, there was probably a bug there. But who put it there? They all looked relatively new and this room had only been Ben's for a few weeks. I flashed back to that amazing day spent laughing with barely a care in the world. Hard to believe it was barely 48 hours ago. 

Chloe! I was right! I growled. No, Erica. You need to focus. You need to save Ben and the CIA.  I reminded myself. What happened after that? Chloe had hugged Ben. She probably planted a bug on him! Warren was there too, though. That didn't matter. He wasn't important. I had to find the evidence to prove my theory. 

Ben mentioned a man named 'Murray Hill' as a mole in his dream. I remembered Murray Hill. He was a year behind me. He had graduated last year, the 3rd in his class. However, the higher-ups had placed him on desk duty, saying that was more suitable for his skills. I believed that my father was one of the people to recommend him for the job. Surprisingly, Murray hadn't been all that bothered.

At the time, I'd shrugged it off. Why bother worrying about it? Now, however, it seemed suspicious. I grabbed Ben's laptop. Hacking into the archives was ridiculously easy. I laughed when the welcome screen popped up. 

Murray Hill lived in a small apartment in Herndon, Virginia. (Just went there for a feis. The town is beautiful, the comp was not) I got the address and saved his file to my computer. I got a feeling that needed to check Mike's room. Shoving my computer quickly into my bag, I left the room. A bang shot through the school, but I shook it off. Probably a stray bullet. 

I arrived at Mike's small dorm room. It was meagerly decorated with a small cot, desk and a bag. There were clothes strewn around the room. There was a small round hole in the wall and my eyes widened. There were a trail and smattering of blood running down the wall. My eyes followed it down, and I resisted the urge to scream and ran forward. 

Mike was sprawled on the ground. There was blood leaking from his chest, ribs. He was clutching a tennis racquet in his left hand. Mike coughed once. This had to have happened a short time ago. I cradled Mike's head in my lap, rocking back and forth, contemplating what to do. 

I couldn't call emergency services-they wouldn't be able to get to the academy.  I couldn't call my dad, Chloe, or Warren. My mom couldn't get away from whatever she was doing for Ben. Steeling my nerves, I drew out my phone and called Nefarious Jones. He agreed to hurry as quick as he can, and I hung up. 

There were footsteps echoing down the hall, and I stiffened. I dragged Mike's body into the small closet. The footsteps were stepping closer, and the door to Mike's room creaked open. Nefarious better hurry soon. Mike barely had a pulse now. 

"Please be Nefie!" I muttered to Mike. I peeked out of the closet (lol) and nearly gasped. There was a man in a black suit holding a gun in the room. It wasn't my dad or a CIA agent. There was a mask covering his hair and head, blending in carefully with his suit. He looked around the room, smirking when he saw the trail of blood leading to the closet. The assassin's hand reached toward the closet door. 

AAAAAAAND.... CLIFFHANGER! I will also post tomorrow!

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