12- AUNTY C?

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Oh my gods you guys! I don't know what I would do without you! Y'all are so nice so thank you so dam much! Just a warning, grab the tissues. ❤️

"Aunt Catherine?!" Joshua asked, his mouth agape. Catherine Hale stood up, smiling. 

"Yes. I have been watching Ben from a young age. I'm his godmother. He was chosen to be part of the CIA from birth."

"WHAT?!" We both yelled together.

"Yes, Benjamin. Close your mouth, Joshua, you look like a codfish." (Mary Poppins, ayyyyy)

"So... you're telling me that this wimp here is an agent?!" Joshua yelled in anger before calming himself. I saw a little bit of the Joshua Hallal I knew before it disappeared and I didn't like it. Josh left the room, presumably to talk to Erica.

"What are you doing here? What does this all mean? Was it really a dream?"

"Yes, Ben. It was a dream."

I fell to the ground, sobbing. I was never going to escape this nightmare. For a second, I thought there was a chance that this was the dream, but everything I knew. It wasn't real. It was never real. Erica was real, but she wasn't the Erica I knew. SPYDER wasn't real. Zoe wasn't real. The Mike I knew wasn't real. Alexander was real, but it was the same with Erica and Chip. Joshua was a good guy? Jessica Shang, Ashley, Nefarious, Warren, and Murray. All make believe. All fake. Catherine stood by, her scent comforting. Now, I could remember things. A blurry figure sitting by my bedside, blueberry and lavender muffins permeating the air. The figure was telling me about being a spy, making up these wonderful stories. I don't know what to trust anymore. Heck, this could be a dream, and I could wake back up in the hospital and have to life through this torture again.

"Ben..." A girl's voice lifted me up. I looked down into sad green eyes. I answered back morosely, not even having the strength to smile. Zoe Zibbell masqueraded at my school as a girl named Chloe. She didn't even know me.  

"Hey, Zoe." She looked surprised, but then smiled. 

"It's actually Chloe. How do you know so much?"

"He knows more than you think, miss Zibbell." Catherine's calming voice broke through my thoughts and I lost myself in her embrace. My eyes snapped open and I realized that she was the reason for my torment. Catherine was the reason that I was going through this pain. I pushed her away, and sat in the corner crying. 

"Leave me alone." They left me alone in the corner with my tears and my knife. That was all I saw for the next hour until they found me. They found me on the ground, parallel lines running up and down my arms, blood dripping down like tears.

WELL THAT WAS AN EMOTIONAL WHOPPER! I'll add more fluff next chapter.

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