23- In which the beans are spilt

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Guys, just a reminder, I'm going to update every Wednesday. I might post 2 chapters this week; It just depends on my creativity today. Only one of you was on the right track for the mole. I can't say who, you just have to speculate from this chapter. This chapter is in 3rd person. It's a long one, so strap in and let me continue the lore. Up above is me at the All Ireland's! We just got that pic.

"I-I-I-I don't know anything! I was just about to knock!" Warren exclaimed, shrinking in on himself like the rat he was. Ben was a terrifying figure. He was fuming, his face an irate mask. Warren was at least half a foot shorter than Ben, and you normally wouldn't notice. However, the height and power difference was clear. Erica was watching in horror as Ben picked Warren up by the scruff of his neck with one arm. 

"What did you hear?" He growled. Warren snivelled. 

"Ben." Erica's voice was full of warning. Ben ignored her. He was seeing red. 

"Tell us what you know!" He roared in Warren's face, seething. Spittle landed on Agent Reeves, but no one noticed. Erica was too busy trying to get Ben to get away from him to see, Ben was too busy trying to interrogate Warren to see and Warren was too busy being a wimp to notice. 

"Fine," Ben snarled, dropping Warren on the ground. The rat scrambled up, muttering 'thank you's and compliments. He got to the door and was about to open it and escape when Ben held his finger up. 

"Wait," Ben said, his eyes still stormy. He turned to Warren for one last warning. 

"If you tell anyone, and I mean anyone about whatever you heard; Well, let's just say cadaver studies have shown it takes a range of 840 to 1500 N to cause the C2 vertebrae to be fractured. If you don't know what that means, it means it takes about 1250 foot-pounds of torque to break a man's neck." Ben ended with a hiss. Warren nodded frantically, his hand slipping against the doorknob. He scurried away, whimpering. Erica placed her hand on Ben's shoulder and he flinched, his muscles still tense with adrenaline. 

"Ben?" She whispered.  She had seen a side of him that she had never seen before and didn't necessarily like. It was almost animalistic. 


"Did you have to scare him like that? Warren is one of my friends, and I can trus-" She wanted to know why that happened. Why was he so rough with Warren. Ben cut her off. 

"Erica," He turned to her and she was shocked with how broken his eyes looked. 

"If there's one thing I learned, you can only trust a few people, and even those people can betray you." He placed his head in his hands and gave a long-suffering sigh. The protegeé gave a little gasp.

"Oh my God."


"He was a mole in your dream, wasn't he?" Ben tried to remain stoic, but he couldn't. Erica frowned. 

"He was," Erica groaned. "And now I feel like a fool because I trust him and that's against this 'ice queen' thing." Ben put his arm around her shoulders and now she was the one that flinched at the touch. Ben blinked, now realising that his explosion may have affected her more than he thought. 

"Hey. We don't know for definite that he's a mole." (LMAO MY COMPUTER AUTO-CORRECTED MOLE TO NOSE)


"Now, c'mon. Are we going to have a cliché makeover montage like movies from 2008 or not?" Ben jumped up and Erica laughed. The next hour was spent going through her clothes and moving Joshua out of their shared apartment. 

Ben modelled some of the suits that Josh had in the closet to make Erica laugh. She did. He paraded up and down the "runway" which was actually just a strip of fabric underneath his feet, striking poses. Finally, he came out in a simple black three-piece, adjusting the cuffs and tightening his tie. His resemblance to James Bond was striking. 

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