9-The mole...

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"So I have to draw out a mole... again..." Alexander nodded at me. He had walked in, not in his regular suit, around 20 minutes ago. This Alexander Hale actually seemed like he was not putting on a facade. You can never tell, though. I had been interrogated for at least three hours by their 'best agents'. They were stumped and I was frustrated by their bad tactics. I wanted to get up out of the chair and tell these agents how to interrogate me properly. Finally, they left, and Alexander walked in. 

"Ben Ripley, I presume." He sat down, noting my surprise. This Alexander... had an air about him. He seemed... almost... competent? I don't know how to explain it. He sat down, and adjusted his suit. 

"You've made my daughter and future son-in-law very nervous. You seem to know more than you should." Future-son-in-law... Joshua? A wave of sadness overtook me, and tears pricked the corner of my eyes. When I had been fifteen, we had found the original root of SPYDER. The CIA had infiltrated the base, and had attacked at midnight. That night, three things happened. 

We had penetrated the base, and a battle had broken out. Bullets were flying everywhere, shouts ringing in my ears. I spotted Warren, and a few of our friends. Warren blended into the wall, and I shot him. It had been two years since I had last saw him, and let me just say, he'd gotten uglier. Ashley and Joshua were escaping though. I sprinted after them, and Ashley fell. It was me and Joshua left. He turned around, and I grimaced at his robotic parts. He had an eyepatch, hook for a hand, and a robotic leg. There was a gun in one hand, and a controller in the other. The lunatic laughed, and moved to press a button with his hook. 

"You'll never get me, Ben. I press this button, and every SPYDER agent blows up. I always win." He chuckled darkly, and almost pressed the button. I made a split second decision, and shot him in the head. His face had a shocked expression on it, and he fell over, his hook pressing the button. There were screams heard from outside, as well as explosions. Erica rushed in, covered in blood, and found Josh on the floor. It was at that time that I realized that Joshua had shot me in the stomach, and my adrenaline started to drain. Erica rushed over to Joshua, crying. A wave of jealous crashed down on me, and I coughed blood. She noticed me for the first time, and rushed over. Starting to yell, she said the words I will never forget. 

"NO! BEN!!!!!! You can't leave me! You're my partner! Please!" She sobbed, shaking my shoulders, my eyes wide and staring. I was breathing but barely. It felt like an out of body experience, and my life flashed before my eyes. Watching movies with Mike... Middle school... Getting recruited... Meeting Erica... Meeting Zoe... Finding out Murray was the mole... 

"Please... I need you..." Erica's voice was weak, and she kissed my forehead as my breath faded. "I love you..." A tear drained out of my eyes, and I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. 

"Are you okay? What were you thinking about?" Alexander's voice broke into my thoughts, and I looked into his ice blue eyes, so much like his daughters. Flinching, I looked away. 

"Yeah." My voice was raw. "Memories... About someone that I used to know..."

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