25- The Mole discovered

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Erica's POV! Also, thanks to a suggestion, I might actually make the sequel Spy School: Area 51. I will now be updating every other Wednesday. However, I may be updating twice to make up for it. 

The night that I went on the date with Ben, I got a phone call from Chloe. 

"Erica!" She screamed into the phone. "Get over to the academy quick! Ben's in a coma!" 

"What?!" I yelled, but she had already hung up and offered no other information or reply to my frantic texts. He had been fine a half an hour ago! I had to tell my mom. I quickly called her on my run over there. 

"Mom!" I screeched. Her calming tones bled through the phone, making me stop to pant. Normally, I would practically be having an asthma attack then, but I guess Ben's training had an effect on my stamina. I screeched to a halt at the doors of the school, throwing them open. 

When I arrived at the private room where Ben was being kept, I stopped to collect myself. I could see that the room was packed. I could see my mom, Nefarious, Chloe, and Warren there. I narrowed my eyes as my father rushed into the room. He looked scared, and his normally immaculate hair was messy. I'm ashamed to admit that I liked him that way. 

It made my dad seem more real. He was never really around when I was a kid. Anything I did wasn't good enough for him. I was always the failure. Even if I got a 93% on a math test in fourth grade, it wasn't enough. My mom was always the one there for me. I had found out that he had almost barred me from entering Spy School because I wasn't up to his standards. 

I sat vigil by Ben for the next few hours, listening to his heartbeat on the monitor. 

"Please, Ben," I whispered. "I need you."

A scuffle occurred outside, and I got up. Groaning at my stiff legs, I eavesdropped on the conversation outside.

"You're stupid, Catherine!" My father yelled. I stiffened. 

"Stupid is only a matter of opinion. I believe it is you who is in the wrong." My mother's crisp accent echoed through the corridor. Alexander blustered back.

"I don't want to hear any excuses out of you. You made your bed, and now you must lie in it. You were the one who tried to prevent Erica from being admitted to the academy, and that's the reason she doesn't trust you anymore." 

I gasped and fell down by the floor. My own dad? Surely this can't be true. 

"Don't raise your voice at me, eh! That girl is an embarrassment to the Hale name! I had to take matters in my own hand to save my reputation." My dad yelled, and I started to feel the tears welling in my eyes. I looked over at Ben in the bed. (lmao alliteration is awesome)

"Save you reputation?" My mom laughed. "That's why you've betrayed us all?"

"Put on a show," I told myself. "Make one wrong move, and everyone will know." 

Pursing my lips, I wiped away the tears threating to spill and exited the hospital room to save my mother from the mole. 

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