New Friend (Renewed)

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After the confrontation with Desti, you, Mario and Meggy decided to have lunch at a nearby cafe. Mario was actually generous and actually offered to pay for the food.

(Y/N): Heh, thanks Mario! 

Meggy: It's quite rare to see Mario to do generous things, but he's still the same idiot we all know and love.

Mario: Aww, thanks, guys!

After you had finished up your food, you decided to head back to the Mushroom Kingdom to call it a day.

Meggy: Rrgh...I'm not getting anywhere with this hurt leg...

Mario: Well, her leg is injured...what do we do?

(Y/N): I have a friend who can help.

Meggy: Who?

(Y/N): You'll see, I'll call him up now.

You took your phone out of your pocket and dialed a number. Eventually, the other person answered the call.

Francis: Hey, lil' buddy! What's up?

(Y/N): Hi, Francis! Could you come over to Inkopolis? I have a friend over here who is injured.

Francis: Be right there.

You ended the phone call, and in under ten seconds, Francis appeared out of nowhere.

Francis: Sup?

(Y/N): Oh shit! I forgot you could teleport! You scared me!

Francis: Heh, sorry. Anyways, what is the problem?

You pointed at Meggy, who was sat down on the floor holding her leg.

Francis: Ok then, let's have a lookie.

Meggy: Hmm?

Francis: Looks like she sprained it.

Mario: Should i call an-

Francis: Nah, i got it.

Francis held his hands out, and his eyes turned green.

Meggy & Mario: Huh?!

(Y/N): Guess I should let you two know. Francis has some very unusual powers, but he mainly uses them for combat situations.

Francis: Since I'm lazy, i just called it the power of pixels.

After a full minute, Meggy no longer felt any pain in her leg.

Francis: There, that should be all healed now.

Meggy: Wow...thanks!

Francis: Don't mention it.

(Y/N): Hey Francis, why not come along to the Mushroom Kingdom? We haven't hung out for a while.

Francis: Sure! I'm not busy at the minute.

Francis joined the group! (RPG all of a sudden?)

You and the others started to walk to the pipe leading to the Mushroom Kingdom, however, a certain villain was spying on you.

SMG3: Mwahahaha! Now, I just need to get those fuckers, then I can finally set up my own Battle Royale! 

Behind SMG3, was every single character in a massive cage.

B0b: LeT mE oUt Of HeRe YoU rEsKiN! I'lL wReCk YoUr AsS!

Saiko: I'm gonna flatten you with my hammer when I get out of here!

SMG3: Your threats won't work on me.

SMG3 pressed a button on a device, and the cage containing everyone disappeared. SMG3 then began to follow you back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

-Back with you...-

(Y/N): Alright, we're back home!

You knocked on the door, and no one answered.

Meggy: Ummm....anyone home?


Mario burst through the castle doors, no one was inside.

Francis: So, where are your other friends?

Mario: I don't know-

You then felt a sharp pain in your left arm.

(Y/N): Ow!

Meggy: What is it?

You looked at your arm, there was a dart there.

(Y/N): The hell?!

You yanked it off, but then you started to feel drowsy.

(Y/N): I on drugs? You suddenly fell asleep.

Mario: Huh? OH SHIT-

Mario was hit in the head with a frying pan, knocking him out.

Francis: The hell is going on?!

Someone threw a poison mushroom at him.

Francis: GAH! I FEEL SICK!

Francis fell to the floor and started throwing up everywhere.

Meggy: Reveal yourself!

It was SMG3, along with Dr. Eggman.

SMG3: Well, hello there beautiful.

Meggy: What do you want from us?

SMG3: I just want a ton of people to participate in a new experiment I'm working on.

Meggy: Well we're not joining in!

SMG3: Behind you.

Dr. Eggman: PINGAS!

Meggy: What the-

Meggy was kicked by Eggman, she went flying across the hallway, then hit a wall, which knocked her out.

SMG3: Alright then, round em up. Now...IT'S TIME FOR A ROUND TWO!!!

Dr. Eggman: Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha! This is going to be so much fun!

(Ah, the introduction of Francis. Good times...)

(Ey, another early chapter that got renewed! I really did not know what to name chapters back in November XD)

(More renewed chapters coming soon!)

Anyways, lata!

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