New neighbors

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SMG4: Yo guys, there's a house not too far from the castle.

(Y/N): Huh?

You looked out the window and sure enough, there was a house in the distance.

Meggy: I'm sure that wasn't there yesterday.

Mario: Wait...that house looks familiar. 

SMG4: It...does?


Mario ran out the doors and went up to the house.

Meggy: Guess we better go greet them.

You, meggy and SMG4 walked to the house, mario was standing there, tapping his foot impatiently. 

SMG4: Well, let's knock.

You knocked on the door,

???: Oh! Visitors! I'll go meet them!

???: You do that, bro.

The door opened, and everyone freaked out a little.

???: Why hello there, people! 

It was a skeleton with a strange outfit, he had a scarf as well.

???: Would you like to meet my-

The tall skeleton looked down and saw mario.

Mario: Why hello there...umm....what was your name?

Papyrus: Why, my name is the great papyrus!

Sans: Sup, i'm sans. 

SMG4: You know these two mario?

Papyrus: Why, of course he does! We met a couple years ago. 

Sans: Indeed we did. 

Meggy was a little confused, sans was drinking a bottle of ketchup.

Meggy: Why are you drinking that?

Sans: Huh? Oh, it's delicious! Want some?

Meggy: Nah, i'm ok.

Sans: Ok then, but you will never 'ketchup' to my level.

You and meggy laughed, while SMG4 and papyrus showed faces of disgust.

Papyrus: UGH! Again brother?!

Sans: Oh come on, it was a real 'rib-tickler'.

You and meggy laughed harder.

Papyrus: Don't you dare say another one, sans.

Sans: Fine then.

(Y/N): By the the heck did your house even get here? It wasn't here yesterday.

Sans: Oh. Ummm....

(1 day ago, in the underground)

Papyrus: SANS! I think of moving to the surface!

Sans: Well, it'd be nicer than living in the underground.

Papyrus: But where would we move...

Sans: I got this...

Sans used his powers, and the house teleported, along with the two brothers.

The house landed on a hill.

Papyrus: Well...that's one way to do it.

Sans: Hey paps, look. A castle.

Papyrus turned around, and there was an amazing castle in the distance.

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