Mario Gladiators II

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(Y/N): Huh? Where the hell am i?

You looked around, you were in a cage, and the room didn't have much in it.

???: Ah, you have woken up.

You turned around, SMG3 and a few other villains were there.

(Y/N): D-did you kidnap me?!

Desti: Yes, but we also captured everyone else!

More lights turned on, revealing all of your friends trapped in cages, including Meggy.

Meggy: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Meggy!

Infinite: Pft, i can just break out of- 

Infinite grabbed the bars, and he got an electric shock.

Infinite: OW!

Crystal: Infinite! Are you ok?!

SMG3: We know about your strength, so don't even try getting out of there!

Infinite: Shit...

Adrimal.S.Swipe: And we're putting all of you in...A GLADIATOR STADIUM!

SMG3: But this time's different.

Enzo: Indeed...

Meggy: Different?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

SMG4: ...

SMG3: Well, the stadium is WAY bigger than last time, and, there's gonna be a ton of contestants fighting. So you could say it's a free-for-all.

(Y/N): -What?!-

SMG3: Have fun killing each other!

You and everyone else were teleported to the stadium, SMG3 and the other villains all sat on chairs.

Enzo: I can't wait to see the blood go flying!

SLG4: Same here!

SMG3: Patience, rookie. Ready, guys?

SMG4: We're gonna kick your asses when we get out of here!

Meggy: Yeah!

SMG3: I'll take that as a yes. LET THE BLOOD FLY!

Gates started opening, Teletubbies, Toads, and animals ran out and started fighting one another.

Mario: OH BOI! Time to smash some more ass! 

Mario grabbed a shield and sword, and ran off to fight a teletubbie.

(Y/N): Shit, this reminds me of the Battle Royale that bastard put us through...

Meggy: That feels like it was ages ago.

(Y/N): Yeah, hehe.

Infinite: Let's go, Crystal!

Crystal: Okay!

Infinite and Crystal got their swords out, and began fighting Toads.

(Y/N): Look out, Meggy!

A teletubbie ran at Meggy, she kicked it in the face, sending it flying into the sky.

Meggy: Ha!

(Y/N): Nice one!


A cannon fell from the sky, Toad jumped on it, and began firing.

Meggy: Whoa!

(Y/N): Hmm...oh! Fishy!

Fishy Boopkins: Yeah-

You grabbed Fishy Boopkins, and used him as a shield.

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