The Super Universe Event

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You woke up, and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Ah...finally, it's nice not having to wake up worrying about evil threats anymore, thanks to the Time Defenders.

Meggy woke up and hugged you tightly.

(Y/N): Hey, sweetie.

Meggy: -Blush- Morning, (Y/N).

(Y/N): -Yawn- Guess we should get ready for today.

Meggy: Yeah.

You got dressed, and walked outside to see Infinite and SmeshBras123 talking to each other.

SmeshBras123: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Morning, Smesh. 

Infinite: We've got something to tell you.

(Y/N): Oh? What is it?

SmeshBras123: We're going to collide our universes into a Super Universe!

(Y/N): Oh, wow! So, we'll all be living together?

Infinite: Yep! 

(Y/N): Awesome!

Crystal: I'm so excited for it!

Flame: Same here, sis!

SmeshBras123: Me and Infinite are gonna head over to Inkopolis and invite as many people as we can!

(Y/N): Okie dokie then!

Crystal: See you later, honey!

Infinite quickly turned around and winked, as he and SmeshBras123 walked out of the castle.

Meggy: Hmm? What's going on, (Y/N)?

SB123 Meggy: Something amazing!

(Y/N): Indeed it is! Infinite and Smesh are gonna collide their universes!

Meggy: Whoa, really?

(Y/N): Yep! There's gonna be a party and everything!

Francis: Wow. This is going to go down in the history books. 

SMG4: Indeed!

SB123 Mario: Where is Deathwind, Sapphire, and the Bowsers?

Francis: They're cooking food for the party. Deathwind is going to set a barbecue up.

(Y/N): Cool!

Meggy: -Smile- I can't wait for this.

(Y/N): Same here, Meggy!

Francis: Well, now we need to wait for Infinite and Smesh to get back, and things will get started.

Machito: This is going to be one heck of an event.

Luna: The thing is though, what will happen to everything else?

Meggy: Huh?

Luna: Since our universes are going to collide, doesn't that mean there would be TWO Earths in the same Solar System?

(Y/N): I'm...actually not sure. I guess we'll have to wait and find out.

Francis: Yep.


Infinite: I think that's about everyone!

SmeshBras123: We're good to go! Now, we head on back and start getting ready.

Infinite: Indeed. 

SmeshBras123: This is gonna be a lot of fun!

Infinite teleported himself and SmeshBras123 back to the castle.

Meggy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now